Chapter 13 (🍋)

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(A/N: Its finally here!!! In case you didn't notice on the title, its a lemon ;) )

Katakuri- "...May I have you?"

You- " may..."

Katakuri then got off of me to prepare himself.

I watched as Katakuri removed his scarf.

He did it so slowly that I almost felt like helping him but I didn't.

After the scarf was off he then removed his vest.

After seeing his bare torso in front of me, I instantly felt warmer and my heart beating out of my chest.

It hasn't even been 1 minute and already I feel my anxiety kick in.

What is wrong with me?

I thought once my secret is out I would finally calm down but this definitely wasn't the case.

Am I really that nervous about this?

Or am I just afraid period?

Katakuri- "Are you alright?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and I looked up to find Katakuri hovered over me.

When did he get back on me?

Was I so focused on my anxiety that I didn't even notice Katakuri hover over me again?

You- "Y-Yeah..Don't worry about me."

Katakuri then gently placed his hand on my cheek.

Katakuri- "You're burning up."

I placed my hand over my head and gasped.

I sure was burning up.

Not only that but I saw sweating bullets.

Katakuri- "Are you nervous?"

I sure was nervous.

But something tells me its more than that.

You- "Um..n-not really nervous...I'm just...afraid.."

Katakuri- "That it will hurt?"

I nodded.

Katakuri- "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Katakuri then gave me another gentle kiss on the lips as his hand slowly made their way up to my legs.

It tickled but I didn't giggle.

I let out a shaky moan and it got louder as he dragged his hand higher up.

Next thing I know my dress was brought over my head and it was thrown onto the floor, along with Katakuri's vest.

I lifted my arms up to cover my chest but Katakuri gently grabbed my wrists as if to try and calm me down.

My heart was beating out of my chest that I am certain Katakuri could feel it.

Katakuri- "We don't have to if you don't want to-."

You- "-I want to...I'm just so used to covering myself that I'm afraid of what you will think of me."

Katakuri- "(Y/N), you're beautiful no matter what you look like."

I blushed and turned my gaze away as I shut my eyes.

You- "You- you're just saying that.."

I felt Katakuri's breath on my face.

Katakuri- "Then let me prove it to you."

The Bear's Claws ((Charlotte Katakuri X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now