Chapter 10

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I watched over the horizon as we made our way over to Whole Cake Island.

It was a bit chilly out so I wore a cloak to avoid getting sick.

Or at least that's what Katakuri had told me before I left out the door.

It had been an hour since we left and still I can't stop thinking about Daifuku's words.

"If you tell anyone about this....everyone will know about your secret."

I wondered what he meant.

How could he have known who I truly am if I haven't told anyone?

So far at this point I think he is just bluffing.

But if he's bluffing, why am I so worried about it?

"Is something worrying you?"

I looked over and see Katakuri staring out at the horizon with you.

You- "Oh....n-nothing...I was just wondering what Lilin needed to talk about, and how it concerns me."

Katakuri- "We won't know until we get there....though I do have an idea."

You- "You do?"

Katakuri- "yes....but like I said, we won't know until we get there."

You- "oh...O-okay."

I'd be honest, I am a bit bummed out that Katakuri won't tell me what he's thinking.

But as long as he has secrets then I can have mine.

In a few short moments we see the island peeking over the horizon.

Katakuri- "We're almost there, and we are early."

You- "How early?"

Katakuri- "About 2 hours."

I was a bit annoyed when he told me to hurry up.

He told me Linlin hated late arrivals yet he made me come 2 hours early?

You- "Oh...any particular reason why were here so incredibly early?"

Katakuri- "I just don't like to be late is all."

You- "Oh...well...okay."

He made it seem like we were going to be late yet here he is telling me we are fashionably early.

I mean no one shows up early 'just because' right?

And if they do then they are either hiding something, or they are very afraid of their mother.

Katakuri- "When we dock, we will head towards Mama's palace but you will be staying in Pudding's room."

You- "Um..Pudding?"

Katakuri- "My little sister, she should be waiting for us when we get there, she will keep you company until its time for the meeting."

You- "If you say so."

All this seemed very suspicious to me, why does he always have someone babysit me while he goes and do something else?

I knew I can't just ask him why can't I come along because he would probably just tell me that its his business but I'm very curious!

I watched the island getting closer and closer by the second.

I guess I will stay curious until he finally decides to tell me.


Once we docked the island, me and Katakuri made our way over to Linlin's palace.

The Bear's Claws ((Charlotte Katakuri X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now