Chapter 15

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((A/N: I'm sorry for not updating this last week, I was so busy and I didn't have time.))

I stared at the article as if I had seen a ghost.

Has the King and Queen intended to make this marriage public?

Do they NOT care for my life?

After everything I have done for them?!

Katakuri- "(Y/N)."

I snapped out of my thoughts.

You- "Huh?"

Katakuri- "I need to get you out of here.."

You- "I-I know there really time for me to leave? What if Big Mom is already searching for me?"

Katakuri- "Mama would need to finish her dessert before she even thinks about reading the article."

I wanted to chuckle so bad.

Katakuri- "I feel we have time, I just have t-..."

Katakuri paused for a moment, making me feel a it worried.

You- "K-Katakuri? What is it?"

Katakuri blinked a few times before turning back to me.

Katakuri- "Change of plans..."

You- "What is it?" 

Katakuri- "I don't have time to explain, I have a secret passage you can take, it will lead you to an underground dock, there will be a submarine there, take it..and head straight for Dendrobia."

You- "You want me to go towards my doom?!"

Katakuri- "Its the only place I know that you will be safe for the time being, now hurry, I'll stay here and stall them."

You- "Who's them?!"

Katakuri sighed.

Katakuri- "(Y/N), I know you have a lot of questions, but I just don't have time to answer them right now, As soon as the close is clear I will call you through the Den Den Mushi inside the submarine."

I know this was too much for me to handle, but right now its me against the whole Charlotte Family so waiting is not an option.

I nodded and began to make my way out the door.

But once I ran past the doorway I stopped and turned towards Katakuri.

Katakuri- "What is it?"

I suddenly felt tears coming.

You- " honest with I going to die?" 

Katakuri said nothing but walked towards me and kneeled down.

Katakuri- "Don't worry about that...As your husband I promised that I would ensure that no harm comes to you, and I intend to keep that promise."

I let out a few tears that I suddenly glomped at Katakuri.

I embraced him as if this was going to be the last time I was ever going to see him.

However I felt him tense when I heard guards approaching the palace from outside.

Katakuri- "You don't have much time...hurry before its too late. 

I pulled back from the hug to look at Katakuri, I then brought his scarf down enough just so i can give him a kiss on the lips.

Katakuri suddenly embraced me and returned the kiss.

Once we heard pounding at the door we both pulled back.

The Bear's Claws ((Charlotte Katakuri X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now