Chapter 17

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(Katakuri's POV)






You- "K-Katakuri?"

Katakuri- "How are you?"

You- "I am almost halfway to Dendrobia."

Katakuri- "I am on my way, except I might take longer."

You- "Its okay, I understand..."

Katakuri- "Oven will try to get our other siblings involve so you don't have much time, just find somewhere safe to hide in the meantime, I will be there as soon as I can."

You- "Okay, I'll be there when I get there."

Katakuri- "Please be careful."

You- "I will...I love you."

Katakuri- "I love you too.."


(Y/N)sounded nervous.

Damn it all...

I wished I could see her from where I am.

She is probably worried about the same thing as I am.

Except she is all alone.

I am not there to protect her like I said I would.

But I had to make sure Oven didn't suspect a thing and it took a lot longer than I had hoped.

While still acting like I didn't suspect a thing, I made my way over to my ship.

Once I got on, the ship set sail and we set off for Dendrobia.

Katakuri- "Just hang on tight (Y/N), I'll be there soon, I promise."

I stood by and watched the horizon, impatiently waiting for Dendrobia to finally come to view.

(Y/N) is probably already there by now.

I hope the submarine picked up the receiver from the underground cave my crew members have found before the wedding.

If so then I have nothing to worry about.

Unless someone gave the code to any of my siblings.


I pulled out my Den Den Mushi from my pocket.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before answering.



Of all people..

Katakuri- "What is it Daifuku?"

Daifuku- "Is she there with you?"

Katakuri- "No, she was already gone by the time I got back."

Daifuku- "I see...No doubt she already knew and has decided to run back home..."

Katakuri- "Exactly what I though."

Daifuku- "So tell me, what do you plan to do?"

Katakuri- "I am currently headed for Dendrobia, but first I will confront the King and Queen."

Daifuku- "Do you honestly think the King and Queen will tell you where the wench is?"

My fist clenched at the sound of my wife being called such.

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