War. It's was lost and won by the united might of The Avengers costing the lives of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. But in this reality Thanos managed to pull a failsafe before he gets dusted! 5 years later shit is becoming unstable in the universe...
Rhodey was getting back into being The War Machine once more as he adjusts back to his old suit but at least it was more comfy inside than the previous versions. Falcon swoops down as Rescue, Ben Grimm, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), and Spider-man form up in the hanger.
"Pepper? What a surprise, I'd never thought I'd see you in that suit again." Clint says taken aback at the sleek blue armored woman.
"Rhodey needed back up and I'm on break after all." Pepper smiles.
"And thankfully you are." Nick Fury says out of the Shadow with Hill as always. "Get to work Avengers."
Avengers. That work sunk in to everyone including Grimm. It's been awhile since the word was threw around like this. As they fly off to Singapore at Mach 3 speed Ben notices something off.
"Ay, where's Van Dyme?"
Suddenly she grows back from thin air inhaling like she's been holding her breath.
"I'm so sorry I'm late for the meeting! I got here early and took a nap and got those God awful sleep paralysis." She says clutching a side of the ship.
"I'm more surprised we didn't step on you." Sam says from the front.
"Incoming!" Spider-man shouts as he immediately grabs the controls and swerves the ship a hard right as a massive piece of debris nearly hits them and the ship regains balance.
"Haul ass and abort ship!" Sam calls out as he opens the cargo doors as everyone expect Spider-man and Falcon scatters around the beast blasting it.
"Peter I rigged this thing to explode on impact, get outta here!"
"Wait! Find a weak spot!"
Sam holds himself back and his scanners pick up a less dense side of the beast.
"Here goes nothing kid, full speed!" Sam sets the jet to autopilot as the two jump out the jet and it hits directly at the beasts side as it falls back into the water.
"Well that was easy." Ben jokes. Suddenly a massive arm crashes in front of Ben throwing him back as tendrils go flying everywhere like crazy destroying anything in it's path. Falcon ducks and weaves through the destructive limbs as War Machine, Rescue, and Wasp rain fire on it.
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Ben throws massive amounts of debris at it's face as Spider-man swoops around the area getting people out the way and hurdling debris back at it as well.
"Clint do you have a shot!?" Sam says avoiding and shooting around the beast.
"As always. Ben and Peter, tell it to say Ah." Clint says as he readies his bow and arrow.
Peter swings around and grabs hold of Ben. "Ready to give this thing a Yankee Doodle Special?" He quips. "Yeah let's." Ben smiles as the two slam both fists against it's jaw and the creature rolls back and it's mouth opens.
"Bullseye." Clint smirks and he releases.
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Straight to the throat and one internal bloody explosion later the creature is splattered across the south side city of Singapore.
"Ugh, great job team." Wasp says in disgusts as her suit is covered in blood and some tissue.
"Goddammit Clint, I thought you said those arrows were small explosives!" Ben yells towards Clint as he wipes himself off.
"Honestly I thought we could've done this better." Sam says as he looks around the scene scratching his head.
"Well we did lose the jet and now we have to wait for the other one." Peter says clearing his lenses.
Pepper comes down as her helmet opens up and she vomits her panini sandwich in a trash bin. Rhodey helps her morally. Everyone besides Clint and Rhodey begin to feel queasy
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THE NEW SHIP EVERYONE: *Silence Clint: Let's never to discuss this ever. EVERYONE: AGREED.