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Chaos was everywhere around him. Soldiers being teared limb from limb from grotesque beasts. He slams his shield down on it's cranium and uppercuts another one. They don't stop coming.

Suddenly a boom echoes the sky as the Sanctuary I ascends among Wakanda. The whole armada came.

Thanos beams down with his entire army in his armor and the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Kill them all." Thanos orders as the Chituari Armada head straight towards them.

"FALL BACK!" T'challa commands the remainder of his army as they are being fired and chased upon.

Everything happens so fast for Steve. Sam and Rhodey get blown outta the sky by a missile, the outriders outnumber Rocket and Thor ripping them to shreds. Thor and Wanda fighting with everything they have as fight the army together so everyone else can flee. Bucky calling him to fall back as he shoots at the attackers and gets sidewinded by a Outrider.

"Steve!" Nat cries out as her head is being held by his massive hand.

"The stone." Thanos voice commands.

"No please." Steve voices turns hesitant. He sees the army invading the city as he see the blazes and the screams of it's people. They have lost. Thanks turns around to hear a Chituari soldier report and turns back to him. Nat looks at him.

"It's ok." A single tear falls down her face as her entire head and spine get ripped out of her body as blood squirts everywhere and body thrown the ground.

A primal scream of a man who is now completely broken as all of his friends die in front of him without hope is let out and he crumples to the ground in sobs of anguish.

"I'll let you live to see this planet bend to my will and half of humanity will remember it." Thanos says in his ear with a smile as he walks past him and stabs a wounded Wakandan soldier.

A wounded Wanda grabs him and flies over the entire army into the dense jungle.

"Take this machine! Whatever you do don't stop running!" Wanda shouts at him as he's snapped back into reality and runs his fastest into the jungle.

"Avenge us Cap." She finally says as she gets shot down by the Chituari.

The numerous steps behind him only drive him to any speck of hope left in his body. His heart racing like a engine, his legs and feet like a bullet train, and his speed like never before. He can hear those beasts getting closer. Suddenly the cylinder forms around him into a blue suit and a portal appears and he jumps.

Strange and Gamora walks towards the Stark Cabin where everyone else looks at them.

"Hello everyone I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and this is Gamora. She's one of the returning as well." Strange introduces and Gamora waves at them.

"Hey Green Girl, it's been awhile." Nat says as they both hug.

"Wait, you guys had a little sorority in the soul world?" Tony teased.

"More like transparent neighbors." Gamora said smiling at them.

"So what's your plan Doctor?" Pepper asked.

"So our plan is-" Strange stops mid sentence as everyone looks around. There's a erie breeze around them till there's electricity forming around the yard and a shockwave.

Doctor Strange, Gamora, and Natasha immediately switch into defense mode till the smoke fades and a dirty man in dark torn clothes lays on the ground.

"S-Steve?" Nat chokes up and immediately runs over to him.

"Nat wait!" Strange calls out.

Nat rushes to his side and he suddenly gets up ready to throw a blow at her till Gamora knocks him out swiftly. Nat composes herself and notices something about him.

"Why is he wearing this!?" She calls out. "Why!?" Gamora holds her.

"Doc, give me something here." Tony asks looking shocked.

"This isn't our Steve Rodgers." Strange says looking at the unconscious dirty blonde. "He wears battle torn clothing, a Wakandan wrist shield, and a dirty appearance. He must be from another Earth."

"What? But he only was like this when those animal things attacked Wakanda years ago." Natasha said.

"They lost then. Thanos must've won on that Earth and this Steve came here." Strange presses his temples and sighs. "I have to put him back."

"Wait." Gamora grabs his arm. "If he goes back then that Thanos will kill him immediately once he gets there. His only chance right now is here."

Strange pauses and makes up his mind.

"Let's get him inside and find some First Aid."

Gamora, Tony, and Happy pick him up and place him in a guest room and treat his wounds.

"It's ok." Her head and spine ripped open as blood splatters into his eyes and he wakes up with a chilling scream. He looks around frantically and sees a long haired Redhead with glistering skin trying to calm him down and realizes it's Natasha.

"Nat!? What happened!? Your hair!? Did we win!?" He frantically asks and Nat holds his head.

"Steven, they didn't win. You survived and landed on my Earth. I'm sorry." A sad look came across her face and he burst into tears. She embraces him and soothes him.

"I'm sorry Steve, I'm sorry."

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