Nat and Cap drive towards HQ with Brandy your a fine girl playing on the stereo. Steve seemed to enjoy it from the taps of his foot.
"It's a favorite of Quill's." Natasha smirks.
"That right?"
"Yeah, Rocket told me about it once. The guy can't live without music." She giggles at the thought of Quill going nuts without his music.
"So what is her thing again?" Steve asks, pointing at Mantis in the back.
"Miss Natasha brought me along to help your state of mind." Mantis happily chirped with a smile.
"So what your telepathic?"
"No, I'm Empathic. I can control people's feelings."
Steve looked back at Natasha unsure about the idea.
"Don't worry Steve, you'd be impressed how well she is at it."
"Well I guess it can't hurt to try."
Steve wanted the pain and memories to be blocked out, to not look at Natasha and be reminded of her brutal death.
"Your thoughts are worrisome, dark." Mantis tone went sad.
"I'm sorry, they won't leave."
Nat holds his hand firmly and his arm relaxes as they head to the turn.
Back inside HQ, Sam, Clint, Peter, Hope, Scott, Bucky, Wanda, Rhodey, The Guardians, Reed, Tony, Strange, and Banner are all at the meeting room discussing a certain situation.
"Peter where's Mantis?" Rocket ask.
"Who me?" Peter asks.
"Not you, Quill." Rocket points out.
"She's back at the cabin watching Stark's kid."
"Wait, Pepper has a off day today." Tony retorted.
"I guess we accidentally left her behind?" Peter tried to play it off.
"Doctor Wizard man I promised I was gonna take Nathaniel to the boonies so if this ain't a Earth threatening situation I'm gonna head out." Clint sighs as he leaves his seat.
"Wait Clint there's something I need to tell everyone including you." Tony stops him from heading to the door.
"No need Tony, we'll take it from here." Steve calls out from the door as Natasha appears by his side clutching his arm feeling teary eyed.
Clint's mouth gapes open as he slowly approaches her.
"Nat?" He asks as he scans her up and down and realizes it's really her and embraces her weeping.
"I know I know, you've done nothing wrong cause I'm free now Clint." She cries a laugh.
"Steve?" Bucky asks. "That really you?"
He remembers Bucky fighting for his life as the Outriders overrun him and then remembers the punk kid who saved him from the bullies.
"Yeah it is pal." He laughs as he hugs him.
He sees Sam and remembers him getting hit by the blast of a missile and getting burned alive but remembers their jogs and quips at one another.
"Hey Sam." He hugs him and pats his shoulder. "Thank you for being a great Captain."
"Of course Steve."
Everyone else celebrates the return of their fallen comrades as Strange talks to Gamora in private.
"Everybody is here, now what?" Gamora asks.
"Not everyone yet, get everyone else out in space and I'll get anyone around here." Strange says.
"How much time do we have before it comes back?" Gamora stops him at the door.
Strange turns around and opens the Eye of Agamotto and the time stone appears in it and he looks forward into the near future.
"It has changed to 3 days." Gamora stumbles back in fear. "I'm so sorry Gamora, but we don't have alot of time anymore."
"They aren't ready!"
"I KNOW!" Strange snaps and Strange realizes how much it's affecting him.
"I know and I'm sorry but we've never dealt with anything on this absolute level. He can easily destroy this entire universe if he wanted to and bargaining with him is barely optional. Our only chance is the stones again and a diversion.""Oh my God their gonna basically charge to their deaths." Tears fall down her face.
"Where is Thor Gamora? Strange asks.
"H-he left us a few years ago I haven't heard from him since." She wipes her face.
"Guys! The satellite picked up something heading to Earth!" Scott came running in.
Everyone waits outside ready to for anything. Suddenly a rainbow beam strikes the ground blowing everyone back.
*Cue Avengers theme*
A arm reaches out and a golden Mijnoir lands in his hand. The God of Thunder returned and he's not alone.

The Second Chance
FanfictionWar. It's was lost and won by the united might of The Avengers costing the lives of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. But in this reality Thanos managed to pull a failsafe before he gets dusted! 5 years later shit is becoming unstable in the universe...