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Peter opens the door as he turns on the light.

"Hey Wanda you here?" No response. He sees the bathroom door is open and dark till he sees a low red glow underneath his door. He rushes over to open and sees the entire room is red and all the objects are hovering around her.

"Wanda! Can you hear me?!" Peter shouts out to her as the massive red aura goes back into her and she slowly places everything back the way it was.

"I'm sorry, I was practicing with my powers."

"No no it's okay I kinda wished we could do this in a larger space." Peter chuckles and both of them smile at each other.

"How is Morgan, is she fine?"

"Yeah she's doing terrific, great kid." Peter says changing his shirt.

"She reminds you of him I know." Peter stops for a second and sighs.

"Yeah, she's asking alot about Tony's life as Iron Man. The stuff you don't read on a article." Peter takes a breath as he lies on his bed with Wanda sitting besides him.

"She's gonna be like her father either way, she looks up to him just as you did." Wanda smiles and strokes his hair.

"We found a secret lair and Pepper probably knows about it. She's gonna confront Morgan about it either way and I'm hoping it's a compromise for them." Peter was gonna look after The Stark's and he doesn't want them divided.

"Your tense Peter, you can't carry such weight. Here." She hands him a brush giving Peter a confused face.

"Sometimes when I was younger I brushed my mother's hair when I was mad or stressed. It's fine." She puts it in his hand and turns around and swishes her hair back. "Tell me what else is wrong?"

Peter knew there wasn't a way around this and went along with this. He starts brushing her hair.
"Did you hear about the conflict between Atlantis and Wakanda?"

"Never was aware there was a Atlantis."

"Oh yeah apparently it exists and people are alive down there. Well they aren't on good terms with Wakanda at all. We haven't heard much from King T'challa in awhile."

"So it's became a cold war then?"

"Yeah and if this keeps up we are gonna have some tsunamis attacking Africa." Peter sighs as he takes a strand and brushes.

"How are the rest of them?"

"Busy, I'm basically one of the leaders and the team shifts from one hero to another. It's not really like the what Avengers used to be."

"We gotta do the best with what we have someone once told me." She chuckles.

"Yeah I guess we do." He chuckles back.

Suddenly his web shooter beeps and he stops brushing. He clicks on it and Sam's voice speaks out.

"Parker, we got a issue in Venice. You may wanna bring Maximoff." He hangs up and they both look at each other.

"I'll get you a suit." Peter immediately jumps out of the bed as the suit immediately forms around him (like the Flash) and puts on his mask.

"Wait how? My suit was ruined last time I remember."

"Stark made a suit builder before he pasted, I'm pretty sure it had the materials you need." Peter went to turn on the machine and uploaded a sketch he found of one of her suits he found in HQ. He steps back and motions her to move close to it.

"I'll let you do your own thing with it." He smiles behind the mask.

"You think I'm ready to go back out there?"

"Everybody deserves second chances (technically third) Wanda, and I think they are ready to have you back."

"I'll met you there." She smiles and hugs him.

"Great to have you back Wanda."

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