War. It's was lost and won by the united might of The Avengers costing the lives of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. But in this reality Thanos managed to pull a failsafe before he gets dusted! 5 years later shit is becoming unstable in the universe...
Adam watches the vast Nebula sparkling in the vast cosmos with a sigh. Something stirs within his mind, something unsettling and distractive. He's normally calm minded and timid but lately somethings have been going on in the universe even he can't explain. The Silver Surfer notices his discomfort.
"What's been bothering you lately Warlock? Everything seems peaceful where we are."
"Yes, forgive me my silver friend but something anonymous must be going on throughout all this peace that keeps distracting me. I also thank you again for flying me all the way to Earth." Adam makes a small smile as his eyes still look at the vast space.
"Anytime, so tell me why do you wish to head over to Earth? I'm guessing not to see it's great views?" Surfer joked as they shoot through space at incredible speeds.
"No, I'm going to find it's greatest mind." Adam sternly says.
A minute later they arrive around Earth's orbit. Adam is amused by the blue and greenish sphere of life as he senses it's energy.
"I'll make contact from here Surfer, I'll call on you soon. Farewell." Adam hovers off his board as the two say their farewells and the Surfer hyperspace's away to another end of the universe. "Now to locate a friend first."
Pip exhales the smoke of his cigar with a chuckle as he watches a marathon of ALF. He chugs a can of beer and snack mix. The troll really enjoyed what the Terrians had to offer when it came to food and entertainment. Suddenly a crash and a bright light appear above him!
"Aw what ye want now Goldilocks!?" Pip shouted.
"To solve a universal mystery!" Adam's voice bellowed making Pip surrender to this new journey.
"Typical you look for me." Pip huffed.
Back in the Sanctorum as Doctor Strange keeps Wanda stable while Wong and him look into books for this situation Doctor Strange suddenly goes stiff.
"Stephen, Stephen!" Wong shouts shaking him.
Doctor Strange's astral form ends up in a golden abyss filled with bright light and there a illuminated golden figure approaches him.
"Doctor Stephen Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme." Adam's voiced boomed throughout the realm as Strange looks in awe at the bright man in front of him.
"Not the oddest way to contact me but I'm assuming it's important Mr-"
"Warlock, Adam Warlock is what they call me."
"Well Mr.Warlock I believe your here about the odd occurrences that are being bestowed across the universe?" Strange guesses.
"I am, I'm in desperate need of your assistance and of your allies. Something greater than Thanos will obliterate not only our universe but even the multiverses themselves."
Strange's expression was very mixed. The Eye of Agamotto saw good in this being but he wanted to deny this but it would only prove in his heart that it's the truth. He needs to suppress this threat as long as he can or quickly find a way to destroy it. He's going down a similar path again but this time he'll be prepared.
"How much time do we have?" Strange's voice was beginning to shake but his face with full seriousness.
"Close to a year but that can decrease if the occurrences happen more often."
"Then we better get moving. You know where I am."
And like that Strange snaps back to his physical body and instantly shifts the whole room.
"Strange what happened!?" Wong asks.
"Wong this is a universal emergency, and we're able to have some cosmic guests!" Strange says as he places a entire force field around Wanda and suddenly a bright glow appears above them.
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