Return of The King

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The flashing faded as the Bifrost vanished, bringing numerous beings within the ring. There in front stood the Mighty Thor with a cape around his shoulders, a black arm and welding a axe and hammer. Along him was The Mighty Beta Ray Bill, Lady Sif, Warriors Meik and Korg, Queen Valkryie on her Pegasus, Moondragon, and Captain Marvel.

"Where's the bastard I need to kill now?" Thor says in a deep tone looking oddly pissed.

"In 3 days." Doctor Strange says dusting off his arms.

"I won't wait, tell me a exact location and me and my crew will gladly kill whatever it is for you." Thor scowls at Strange.

"You don't wanna rush into that kinda fire pal, trust me." Tony cautiously appears on the left of Thor.

"Stark? It can't be, END THIS ILLUSION!" Thor bellows at Strange.

"Hey hey look at me big guy, it's really me honest to you." Tony taps him on the arm.

"It really is you." Thor tears up and gives Tony a crushing hug.

"Yep...I can't breathe pal." Tony rapidly taps his back.

"I don't understand how are you entirely back?"

"Not entirely, limited time. I came to help my friends fight this unbeknownst force with the time I have left here." Tony's face droops from seeing Thor's sad look.

"Ok Stark, what plan did you have in mind?"

"Look, you guys are the powerhouses so distract it but distract it with a plan. Thing you guys can divert it from Earth?"

"Tony, you have my word but I'll require more assistance."

"No need, you already have them Odinson." Adam Warlock calls out from behind with The Silver Surfer next to him.

"Very well. Come group, we have a threat to kill." Thor summons lightning down on him giving him his full suit.

They leave with the Bifrost and vanished. As everyone else heads inside Strange and Tony stayed.

"3 days right?" Tony's breath was hasty.

"If their distraction works, a week at best." Strange says looking at the rune burnt to the ground from the Bifrost.

"Ok. We need to call every last defense on Earth and put them on high alert for this entire week." Tony says heading back.

"Wong will gather the Sanctorums and all available wizards on Earth, Queen Valkryie will gather her army, Wakanda and Atlantis will have to put a temporary ceasefire, and I'm guessing any country with a nuke will be alerted." Strange says following behind.

"Right expect I need a suit."

"Then it better be the most advanced suit we've seen then." Strange snarks.

"Alright then, but we been down this road before Strange. What's the plan?"

Strange glances at him and sighs.

Thor and his group arrive in space where they come face to face with a giant armada of multiple armies of all kinds teleporting from portals.

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