6. Friends

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Shriya came back leaving her basket ball outside and was getting ready for the driving classes.

She wanted to learn to drive her sister's scooty so that she didn't have to wait hours for public transport.

Her brother teased her that if she started now she would only learn after completing her graduation.

She took it as a challenge and decided to prove him wrong.

K.G. Driving school

It was in the outskirts of Bangalore city. She was learning different signs to pass the test for getting a learning licence.

"Do I have to take the test again or will my international driving licence be permitted here? " spoke a person in his rough voice.

She felt something very familiar.

She looked up to see a man dressed in a blue shirt and jeans. The same one who handed her the letter.
She realised she was staring at him for too long.
He looked at her and she looked down into her book.

He looked at her and she looked down into her book

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"Hi! Shriya right?" spoke Raghav.

Shriya smiled at him.

"Can you speak Kannada or Telugu?" He asked.

"Yes! I can speak both languages" she replied in her soft voice.

"Please explain the man in the counter that I need a licence to drive as soon as possible" he said.

She spoke to the man in the counter. Later it was told to them that his bike was supposed to be left there till the name plate had to be changed.

Shriya came to convey it to him.

S: Raghav! It's their closing time and I am afraid you will have to leave your bike here.

R: Damn! How am I supposed to go now? This city seems like a monopoly game as such.

S(Angrily): This city is the most beautiful one in the world. It's your fault that you are passing judgements right at the beginning. You can't blame a city for your impatience.

R: Calm down angry bird! Calm down! I am just tired of begging people and not understanding whatever they are speaking. Will you help me?

S: I would never entertain anyone speaking against my country but I am not judgemental like you. So I will help you.

R: Ugh! You are freakin hot!

She looks harshly at him.

R: I mean your attitude.

S: You will have to come in a bus if you want to travel with me.

R: Anything for you lady.

They both sat silently in a crowded bus. He was feeling uncomfortable yet din't speak a word because he promised her.

As the bus passed through Bangalore's Vidhan soudha, he had his eyes pop out looking at it's majesty.

As the bus passed through Bangalore's Vidhan soudha, he had his eyes pop out looking at it's majesty

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R: Does this place belong to Earth?

Shriya smiled after a while. She looked at his puppy face lost in it's beauty.

"That's India and it's grandeur, unparalleled in the world" she proudly exclaimed.

He liked it when she made that proud face with a spark in her eye.
He loved it when she spoke in her city's favour not ready to give up with red eyes and twitched eye brows.

He was marvelled by her stubborn nature.

"Shriya can I ask you something" asked Raghav in a nice tone.
Shriya nodded a yes by moving her head.

"Shriya I have never felt this way before. I know you might not like me much but I want to be your friend. I have never felt this way before, but sitting in this crowded bus with you makes me feel peaceful. Please promise me that you will never give up on our friendship" he spoke looking straight into her eyes without blinking.

Shriya was schocked and confused.

She stammered " I don't know why you would say that Raghav. I don't know anything about you but as you said I feel different being with you. Besides I have never been friends with any boy. I have only played basketball and fought with them. But yes I would like to give this a try".

She continued saying faster than the speed of a rocket " So there are rules to be friends with me, you have to call me sweety.
You have to listen to everything I say. Treat me like a princess. I will be the one who will choose all your clothes. You should be on my door step just 5 mins after I call , faster than a Pizza delivery boy. You should always be in the quest to find new means to keep me happy. You should make sure the charts I prepare for school activities will not fold. You should complete my social homework. Always cheer for me louder than everyone when I am playing basketball. You should learn to make spicy Pani Puri according to my taste".

"And rule number 2" she was about to jabber when he placed his hand on her mouth tightly.

Raghav looked into her eyes and spoke

"Uffffffff! I will breathe on your behalf! Wait for a minute. You spoke about your rule 1 right. Now let me put forward my conditions. These are not like your rules. I command you to abide to them. You will have to give proxy for my attendance. You will have to help me copy in exams. You will have to come with me to music concerts and you should promise me that you will never lie to me". He stopped.

She pulled his hand down from her face and spoke.

"Fine! But I have a tiny miny rule" she pleaded narrowing her eyes.

"Just complete it in one statement" he commanded faking a serious look.

" I will call you Feetu" she quickly said.
" No! I hate nick names" he retorted.

"I am not going to accept your stupid friendship" she turned her face towards the window.

"Fine" he huffed.

The bus almost stopped and they got down with great difficulty.

She was excited and began to cross the road when a truck was about to hit her.

He pulled her towards himself in a snap and shouted at her.

" What's wrong with you sweety? Which fucking world due you live in? How will you survive if you are this way in this country which has zero traffic management and sense of safety" he roared.

" When my friend is beside me I don't have to worry about anything" saying so she smiled at him.

Britain Institute of Mental health

Shriya started breathing heavily and the doctor gave her a pill to control her restlessness.

"We can do this slowly Miss Shetty! Don't overburden yourself. You can go home after getting your Blood pressure checked. You will have to listen to relaxing music for a while" assuringly spoke Alba.

A/N: I wanted to introduce young Sweety and Feetu in one chapter.
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