17. Father

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Neeranjana gritted her teeth annoyed. She couldn't control her temper.

Laxman was perplexed but also hoped silently in his mind that he would get to see his father for the first time in his life.

Drona came to Neeranjana and said "I have found out about Raghav and he is admitted in KL hospital you don't have to worry Neeru".

Neeranjana who was still agitated said "We will have to take him back Anna".

Neeranjana along with Laxman and Drona headed towards the hospital while Revathi convinced Shriya and took her back home.

K.L. Hospital

Raghav spoke to the nurse "Do you realise I am not a kid. How long will I have to stay here? I can heal my wounds".

The nurse replied " Sorry sir! We can only get you discharged after we get all your reports"

Raghav sighed in disbelief.

He was tired of sleeping and eating tasteless food. He either looked at window or at the door to watch patients being brought in and doctors discussing.

He suddenly saw a man dressed in white dhothi walking in.

He was walking towards him.

The man smiled at him and he smiled back confused.

"I am Govardhan Reddy" spoke the man in gentle voice while sitting on Raghav's bed.

Raghav quickly realised who the man was and clenched his jaw.

"Glad that you came sir. I am surprised. I wouldn't expect your attendance on anyday during my life span. But I guess it takes me to break my hands and legs or maybe die for you to come to see me" sarcastically spoke Raghav.

Govardhan smiled at him and said " I can understand your anger"

"No you don't! You bloody don't understand anything. Stop pretending as if you are a flag bearer of peace when you are responsible for igniting pain and agony in my family" Raghav shouted back.

Govardhan hugged him tightly and said " Sunny! Calm down nanna! I am really sorry. You have all the right to say anything you want but don't harm yourself by getting enraged".

Raghav somehow wanted to get out of his father's sight and wanted him to just go away. But he couldn't help but cry on his shoulder. He felt some sort of peace.

Raghav couldn't believe that he was crying and seeking solace on the shoulder of the man who he held guilty for all the problems in his life.

Govardhan set Raghav's disheveled hair in place and asked "Can you tell me what happened? Tell me the truth. I need to know all about the fight because this has become a huge problem and is all over the media. Did you beat anyone? Have you committed any mistake?"

Raghav smirked and said "Oh! So you must be here because there's a problem. Your reputation right! How can a minister have wrong image before media?"

Govardhan shook his head in annoyance and said " Raghav I am here for you. I am concerned about you and I am trying to sort out the mess your mom has created. You need to tell me everything honestly".

Raghav held his head and was distributed by the fact that now he had to deal with whatever his mom has done.

"Why does she always create problems for me and not let me live in peace?" were his thoughts.

He somehow trusted his father who he met five minutes ago after 21 years.

Raghav began to speak " Nann"

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