39. Will you?

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Shriya's Residence,
Raghav kept pacing on the terrace as he received a call from the hospital. They informed him that his mother was improving and will be discharged soon. He tried to connect with Laxman to inform but Laxman was in surgery which was taking longer than expected.

Shriya kept looking at him from the window of the pent house. She felt like it was a dream. Raghav's confession made her feel complete. She felt a wave of happiness and confidence rush through her despite her mental state with fears constantly pricking her. One moment she felt vulnerable and feared loosing everything and the next moment she felt warmth clouding her heart.

She couldn't handle her emotions anymore and went towards Raghav who was busy speaking on the phone. She stood behind him and hugged him. Raghav was surprised and ended the call.

Shriya spoke "Please don't turn back Raghav! You know I always thought confession of love was beautiful and it indeed is. But something I never knew was it is quite a responsiblity. Do you think I can handle all this? I don't know if.... I don't know...." she paused not wanting to say the next few words.

Shriya wanted to say that she doesn't know what she would do if his family will not accept her and separate her from Arihan but chose not to think of such a dreadful possiblity. Raghav turned around and said "All of that is not a big deal Sweetu! If we are together nothing else matters. Besides I don't have much time to waste with you. I have another important thing to do".

He walked away and stepped down the staircase. Shriya followed him. He walked towards a door and opened it. He knew that it was 3:00AM in the morning and certain naughty boy has a habit of stealing toffees from the fridge around this time. He saw a grumpy Arihan seared on his bed with messy hair and an adorable pout.

Raghav walked towards him and Arihan turned his face away. Raghav took out a fist full of toffees from his pocket and placed it before Arihan. For a good few seconds Arihan pretended not to be affected by the toffees. He then slowly took one and looked at Raghav with his pout. Raghav couldn't contain his smile on the boy's reaction.

Raghav sat beside him on the bed and Arihan refused to look at his face. Raghav bent down to his level and said "Zoro baby! What is my punishment?"

Arihan looked at him for the first time with tears in his eyes and said "No punishment!" and put that one toffee he took back in Raghav's hand. He ran towards Shriya and said "Amma! I don't want to talk to him".

Shriya bent down to his level and spoke "But I thought he was your favourite superman. He brought you toffees also. Then why would you not want to talk to him baby?" Shriya couldn't believe that Arihan has accepted her as his mother and is very comfortable with her.

Arihan thought for two minutes and said "He is not a suplman! He is my nanna and he doesn't like me". Shriya looked at Raghav confused. Raghav spoke "But you are my world Zoro baby. I love you more than everyone in the house".

Arihan shouted on top of his voice "Noooo..Lucky loves me. You don't love me. You nevel came to my spolts day's dads competitions. You nevel took me to my amma". With all the screaming the little boy couldn't catch his breath and started coughing. Shriya tried to comfort him.

Shriya spoke "Arihan baby! You are a very special boy. Lucky loves you so he told your nanna that he wants to participate in your school competitions and take care of you. Your nanna loves you a lot. He loves Lucky also. So he thought he will let Lucky be with you and he was also there for you. You are very fortunate because they both took care of you and played games with you".

Arihan looked at Shriya and spoke " That is not tlue! I want to go to Lucky. You ale lying to me" and started running towards the door. Raghav went behind him and caught him in his arms. Raghav tenderly brushed Arihan's hair with his fingers and said "Zoro! I will take you to Lucky but he is busy  with a surgery. You can stay with me like you always do or you can stay with your amma. The choice is yours".

Shriya stood there not knowing how to react to this situation. She knew nothing about her boy. She did not know the reason her child's behaviour. One moment he embraced her like a mother and next moment he treated her like a stranger. She has observed that he was very distant with Raghav as well. She waited for her child's reaction. She was also upset because no child should ever have to make such harsh choices in that tender age.

Arihan reluctantly spoke looking at the ground "I want to be with amma suplman! But I want you also!". Raghav looked at the child's eyes and understood that he did not sleep properly. Arihan couldn't sleep in new places without known people around.

Raghav ruffled Arihan's hair and said "Let's go to our house Zoro!" Arihan smiled wide and hugged him tightly squealing on top of his voice. Raghav made Arihan sit in the car and went back to Shriya.

Shriya stood there confused and Raghav came towards her and spoke "Shriya! Will you come to my house?". Shriya spoke in daze incoherently "Raghav! How can I come to your house? What is my identity in your life? This is difficult for me Raghav. Maybe we should talk about how to go about with our future with Arihan........ and he is just a child who has no idea about our complications and you know.....your mother might....no actually first things.....what do we say to Arihan?"

Raghav covered Shriya's mouth with his hand and came dangerously close to her. He looked into her eyes with their eye lashes touching and questioned "Will you marry me Shriya?"

Hi guys!
I am really sorry for being late this time. Work from home is much more hectic than regular work. I will try to keep updating whenever I get time.

Thank you for your amazing love and support.

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