31. Voice

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A/N: Mature content

So readers below 18, you know what to do. 😉


Tears streamed down Shriya's eyes. She stood static for a while there. She kept the ring and bracelet in the chocolate Box and wrapped it in a plastic bag.

She went to the projector screen and replayed the video as soon as she saw Raghav's smiling face she paused it. Leaning on the projector screen she placed her head near his shoulder on the screen and spoke with a heavy voice "I cannot keep this ring and bracelet Feetu. I can never be your wife. But I am a very selfish person. So I will treasure this video as my most priced possession. You will be my only love".

She switched off the lights in the garden and moved towards her room and drifted off to sleep after a long day which seemed like an era.

It was quite a windy day and she woke up from a deep slumber.

It was quite a windy day and she woke up from a deep slumber

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The windows kept banging erratically. Shriya was trying to shut them while her hair blocked her vision and was all over her face. She was trying to secure the loose strands of her hair when strong arms held her from behind. She smiled and pushed his hands away and began running away from the person.

She ran into the study and was organising the books in a shelf while he kept throwing away everything she arranged. She turned around to see Raghav with a devilish smirk on his face and he looked dangerously handsome. She felt her heart beat faster and her nerves not helping her hold her ground. She escaped to the kitchen and started making batter.

After a few minutes she was surprised that he didn't follow her. She peeked from the kitchen here and there trying her best not to get noticed to check if he was around. She couldn't find him and resumed her work. She was missing him already when she saw him pouring a jug full of water into the batter. She gave him a shocked expression and he immediately kissed on her lips to close her open mouth. She pushed him as her cheeks became red and he walked back not leaving his gaze on her even for a second.

She questioned coyly "Why are you not letting me do my work?"

"You are apparently not doing your most important work of attending your husband's needs" he replied piercing thirsty glances on her body. She gulped down to contain her anxiety and her cheeks became warm. She looked down to avoid eye contact. He began coming closer to her and she began walking behind till she was pinned to the door.

In his husky voice with his lips touching her cheeks he spoke "I will help you with your work later wifey" he said playing with the wedding ring on her finger. His closeness overpowered her senses and she blushed. Looking at her struggle he couldn't help but smile and said "You are blushing like a newly wed bride Sweetu". Struggling to get words from her mouth she spoke "Arihan will be coming back from school".

"Your son always finds ways to keep himself busy. So don't worry" he spoke tracing imaginary lines on her lips .He further went down and started trailing wet kisses on her neck.

Her lips parted by his gesture and this sight made him loose his senses. He took the soft skin under her collarbone between his teeth and left a deep mark. She moaned in pain and his grip on her waist tightened pulling her closer. Soon he pulled down the zip of her maxi dress and it was on the ground. Tearing everything else that touched her bare body he made sure nothing else clutched her except for him. He marked every inch of her body.

After more than an hour, the kitchen was a mess as Raghav pushed utensils, vegetables and everything that came in his way to make space. Shriya was now trying to catch her breath with happy tears running down her eyes still laying on the kitchen counter while Raghav placed a soft kiss on her forehead and said in a shaky voice "I love you baby". He gently wiped her tears after being merciless like a beast the last few minutes.

She hugged him placing her head on his shoulders and said "You mean the world to me Raghav". She felt secure and complete. She did not want to break the hug as in his warm embrace her fears vanished. He kissed lovingly on her head while she kept staring at her wedding ring laying on his shoulder.

The door bell rang with Arihan shouting "Mamma! I won a trophy in the football match". Shriya broke the hug and began to go near the door.

Her leg hit the wood of the bed and Shriya woke up shocked. She was confused and looked around to see an empty room. There was neither Arihan nor Raghav. She looked at the table on her bed side to find gifts of Raghav that she wrapped and kept safely. She realised that it was her dream after Raghav's proposal. She smiled sarcastically at her fate and got up from the bed.

As a part of her routine she was preparing her breakfast and dailed Serah as she didn't turn up at night. Shriya spoke "Where have you been Serah? When will you come back" to which Serah replied "Shriya! I was home last night. You were deep asleep. I did not want to disturb you. I am here at St.George's Chapel to offer morning prayer. After that me and Aadu will be picking up his mom".

Shriya replied "Fine! I will see you once you are free" and cut the call. Shriya remembered Sharanya Reddy. Raghav left Shriya at her place during her stay in Hyderabad for the camp. She was a very warm and sweet person. Shriya was happy for Serah as Sharanya aunty was a perfect mom. Avni's words rang in her ears. Shriya wondered how Raghav's dad and Sharanya knew about her child.

She felt betrayed as she was told her child was dead. Govardhan Reddy's words echoed in her mind "You better stay away from my son for your own good". Shriya thought the only person who could help her find out more about it was Sharanya and has made up her mind to talk to her about it.

Shriya reached her office and sat in her cubicle wishing Raghav would bring Arihan again to the office. After about an hour she asked Euginie about Raghav to learn that he was on a leave. She sighed realising that he would be busy with the wedding preparation. But she was missing Arihan badly when she got a call from an unknown number.

She picked up to a voice which said "Sweety!" And she cut the call immediately.


Hola guys!

Who do you think is the person who called Shriya?

What's going to happen now? Any guesses?

Thank you for your lovely comments. They really motivate me to update.

Do drop in your thoughts about this chapter as well. Was that too much of adult content or would you prefer more intense passion?

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