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Dear Miny,

I know I haven't written in a while. Forgive me! I have taken up new responsibilities and have a family to look after. The society always expects women to organically be perfect with roles pertaining to family but it's not always very easy. I wish I had my mom around to guide me as I embrace this new phase of life.

I am not saying that my one month old married life has been difficult. It's new not anything I have expected before. Raghav has been very supportive. The biggest challange for me was to move in with his family. I am usually good with mingling easily with everyone around but in this family everybody carries baggage including both of us. I often think twice before speaking anything.

Since the day we got married, his family has welcomed and embraced us. Raghav brought me back to Drona uncle's house that night and said in his amazing voice to everyone "All of you! Let me introduce you to my wife Shriya Raghav Reddy". My heart skipped a beat. I never imagined in the wildest of my dreams that it would be that smooth to walk into his life and family.

We were showered with hugs, blessings and not to forget all the teasing. It's exactly been a month since that day and I feel like I have been living a dream with a lot of adjustments. The next day Raghav took me to his house. I was a guest there for a while as the house was too masculine for my liking and he said that he made it feminine and romantic to fit my taste. All he has done is he added few flowers in a floral stand beside the television.

Thankfully, I am not staying in that house. It needs a lot of work. We have shifted to the pent house in Lucky's residence. This was discussed and thought after considering a lot of options by me and Raghav to stay close to Arihan and yet give him space.

Do you know, when I told my baby boy that now his mom and dad are married he was really happy because he didn't have to attend another boring wedding ceremony where people blabber a lot and it was completed. You know Miny, I cannot say how adorable he is with those so called theories he makes up in that brain of his and saucer like eyes while he speaks of them in all seriousness.

The other day, he cried a lot saying he doesn't have a picture of three of us on his first birthday. Apparently, his friend had an album and he did not have a single photo. But then he was gifted a hand painted picture of three of us. In the picture I was holding him as a just born baby while Raghav was looking at my face.

You don't get any points for guessing that it was painted by Raghav. Duggu was too exhilarated and called all his friends to flaunt his picture with his parents. I had an opportunity to organise my favourite paintings of Raghav from all these years in our house. We redisigned the area we are living in and Laxman has been very kind to accept all the changes w made.  His only complaint these days is that his brother these days apparently doesn't spend a lot of time with them and whenever he does, all he talks about is me. Frankly, I am too flattered.

I have realised Laxman is a horrible chef like his elder brother and it is my responsibility to teach him to cook. I don't want another girl to suffer. Soon I realised that it's of no use to even expect Raghav to learn when he almost burnt the entire kitchen in the process of boiling milk for Arihaan one day. No wonder their chefs make so much money from a single household.

My baby boy Duggu doesn't eat anything at our place yet. He prefers being fed by Laxman. I do offer him snacks or chocolates which he accepts but takes them home to eat. Everyday, he comes back from the school and narrates the incidents and goes back to his place. He returns at nights before sleeping to play with Raghav. These days, I am working half days so that I get to spend time with my boy. Soon, I will have to resume my full day work.

Did I mention to you about my sexy boss? He often gives me leaves and half days to take care of my son, but I have to bribe him at times or compensate for it by paying a really huge price. My innocent baby boy unaware of all that his mother is going through thinks all the hickeys are mosquito bites and he says in his very innocent voice "Amma! I never saw a mosquito in my life. Next time you see one! Call me and I will fight with it and not let it bite you".

Duggu often gets disappointed that I never call him. I am in such a pickle Miny, I keep making excuses while the mosquito I mean his father conveniently gets away with an innocent face and devilish smirk. Duggu has also ripped me of the "superwoman" title as I cannot defend myself from a mosquito. 

My bundle of joy is growing too quick. He has become taller and now he can pronounce "r" perfectly. He thinks it will take him another ten days to grow as tall as his father. In a way, he has become little calmer and more closer to us. Laxman is also adjusting without feeling left out. I am really glad that things are going well on that front.

Sometimes I feel things are a bit easier here because of Duggu. He is one binding factor in this family. The only person for whom every single person is ready to put aside their ego and problems. He adds sweetness in all of our lives. He is our bundle of joy whom we cherish with all our hearts. He saved me from taking my own life by commiting suicide.

Like I always say he is my son, my moon, my star and a treasure trove I have been bestowed with.

Your beloved forever,

Here's the requested epilogue.
Do share your thoughts one last time on this story.
And on popular demand I will be writing a sequel soon as lot of issues still have to addressed.
My heartfelt gratitude to all my readers once again. This journey of Shriya has made me emotional as well. I really hope I have done justice to the characters.
Thank you once again.

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