19. RJ

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Raghav was shocked and clutched Shriya's hand with a tighter grip. Shriya was lost between trying to get the reality check of whatever happened minutes ago and the current situation.

All Raghav knew was he didn't want to leave Shriya's hand.

Shriya felt utterly embarrassed and ashamed looking at Raghav's father. She buttoned even the topmost button of the shirt she was wearing.

Govardhan Reddy spoke "I can drop you at your home amma! You can take this umbrella if you want" and handed her an umbrella.

Shriya left Raghav's hand and took the umbrella while walking quickly out of the room.

Both Shriya and Raghav sat in the backseat of the Jeep. Govardhan Reddy and driver were seated on the front seats.

There was utter silence as Raghav looked outside the window and Shriya constantly stared at her feet.

Govardhan Reddy dropped Shriya at her home. Raghav wanted to speak to Shriya for once but she couldn't meet his eye and walked away.

Raghav and Govardhan Reddy were traveling to Hyderabad and Raghav spoke after a lot of time "Why are you doing this nanna? Don't you want me to be happy?"

Govardhan replied "I am doing this because I don't want to see you in a problem and want you to be happy".

Raghav was not convinced with the answer.

Raghav chose to lock himself up in a room as soon as they reached home.

Govardhan Reddy gets a call and attends it.

C: Mr.Govardhan Reddy we are speaking from KL hospital and we have something important to share.

G: Yes! I am all ears.

C: Sir your son has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This happens in young adults who have a history of anxiety, lack of parental care and affection. They become frustrated and agitated easily or they go into depression.
We can help you treat him if you choose to take up our services.

G: Thank you! But I would like to look for local doctors.


Raghav is in no mood to attend the school as all he had been thinking since he came back is about Shriya.

However, he decides to attend the first day.

He attends the prayer and after the prayer a boy announces on stage " We will be starting the selection of Radio jockey for our interschool radio sessions. This is the first ever project called Theresa FM which will be broadcast among all the St.Theresa schools across India. So, interested students can please come and enroll with us".

Raghav who was least interested to attend the school found a reason. He asked a boy beside him "Can St.Theresa Bangalore students also hear the broadcast?"

The boy nodded a yes.

Raghav went running to the selection room and enrolled himself.

Miss Tara told him that if he gets selected he can be the RJ of the first session which will be held in the evening.

Raghav gave a voice test and got selected.

Theresa FM

Good evening Theresains I am your RJ Shilpa from 10th Grade H section Hyderabad and we have a new student who has a special message to share and will be a permanent RJ if you vote for him.

You will be tuning to Raghav Reddy of 10 th grade A section after the Theresa anthem will be played! So listen and enjoy!

*Song plays*

Raghav begins to speak..

Bonsoir (Greetings in French) Theresains!
I hope all you guys are in the best of spirits!

If you want me to be your host RJ for this slot then do tick on option B and drop them in the boxes in your activity rooms.

For now I have a poem to say I hope I don't bore you with it.

It's called "A girl with an orange smile"

In a world dark with envy of wile,
There's a girl with an orange smile.
She is soft like the feather,
changes colors like the wheather.
Red eyes of anger and
sweet smiles of a toddler.
Notorious like a prankster
and glorious like a ruler.
Innocent like a butterfly yet
enraged like a volcano.

Can you find me another person
with so many colors?
The query seems baseless as
there is only one girl who wears
her orange smile like the rays of sunshine,
Who I think is only mine.

Thank you..

**Song plays**


Shriya writes her dairy.

Dear Miny,

I feel extremely ashamed and disgusted about myself. I cannot face myself. So I thought it's better to let Raghav go and not to talk to him forever.

I deserve this punishment.

I miss him!!


Sharini comes running to Shriya and says " Congratulations Shriya ma'am you have been selected as the school head girl"

Shriya smiles slightly as thank you.

All the students start congratulating her and look at her awestruck.

Shriya reaches the washroom and is setting her hair when she hears two girls speaking

"Omg! He was so hot! Why did he leave? Did you hear that poem? It was so amazing. I think he has a crush on our Shriyu and this mad girl doesn't understand".

Shriya knocked the door and ordered them to get back to their class rooms.

She returns to the classroom and enquiries Sharini about the poem.

Shriya gets the recording of the poem and listens to his voice with tear filled eyes.

Sharini says "Sweetu ma'am I think it is about you"

" No! Sharini! He doesn't like me. He might have found someone in the new place. It doesn't take time for him to get happening girls" Shriya spoke.


How is it guys?

So I have read the mixed response of people about continuing with the past chapters. So for now I will go with the flow without thinking much.

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