27. Mom

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Laxman's Residence,

Raghav was unable to accept that he has broken Shriya's trust to this extent. He felt guilty for turning a chirpy girl to a living corpse. Also, he has promised her that he will never interfere in her life. Yet guilt was engulfing him and he had to do something about it.

Wrapping his head through these train of thoughts he decided that he shall act on his guilt while keeping his promise.

Laxman and Neeranjana continued to have a heated argument. He barged in between them and spoke " Lucky! There's clearly miscommunication between you and mom. I am not sure if I could solve your issues but I can offer a middle ground. You can't take a word against Arihan and mom believes you are being exploited by dad. I think here you should understand her concern for you and mom you should also try to understand Lucky's stance about Arihan".

Neeranjana shouted a " Fine!!" and walked towards Aadhik.

Laxman was in no mood to talk, so he left to his room and banged the door. Raghav got a call from one of his client and was attending it. Arihan who just walked in was terrified looking at angry Laxman. This was the first time he saw his Lucky's anger.

He went and held Serah's hand and asked " Did monstel beat Lucky?" with fear in his voice. To which Serah replied "No baby! Lucky is angry because his favourite toy is being taken away from him".

"Lucky can buy anothel one. He has foul eulos with him" he replied and Serah said " Such an intelligent baby. Let's eat lunch and become strong. So that you can go and explain Lucky".

Arihan nodded in agreement and meanwhile greeted Neeranjana " Hi! Glanny!". To this Neeranjana shouted "Shut up! I am not your grand mother. Stop calling me that. Infact don't you dare talk to me".

Raghav who heard Neeranjana shout just barged in between and spoke "Stop it Mom! He is just a kid. What's his mistake? Did you already forget the word you gave few minutes ago? Lucky will be really upset if he finds out about your behaviour".

Arihan hid behind Raghav and was in tears by then. Serah tried to hold his hand but he pushed her hand away and was holding Raghav's trouser as he could reach only his knee. Raghav understood Arihan's state and decided that leaving him around will only make things worse. He decided to take him to office.

Raghav fastened the seat belt around Arihan and started driving the car towards law firm. Arihan looked down and was trying to control his tears when Raghav spoke "Does Zoro know where Superman is going to take Zoro to visit?"

Usually Arihan would get really excited as he was an inquisitive kid. But this was the first time he didn't show any excitement. Raghav continued "Fine! Then I guess nobody wants a tiny superman dress which I found at Henry's store yesterday".

Arihan looked unaffected and it started bothering Raghav. He stopped the car and asked Arihan "What do you want baby? What will make you happy? I will get you whatever you want".

He replied "Suplman! Please buy me a amma. I don't want any chocolates and cookies. I don't want Suplman dless also".

Raghav smirked and said to himself "If I could I would buy one for myself".

Arihan looked expectantly with his big eyes at him hoping he will get a positive answer and Raghav replied "Alright! Let's start a mission to find a girl for Lucky. Now we are going to my office and you can pick up anyone you feel that could be your mom".

Arihan's face grew bright with a huge smile and he gave a high five to Raghav and soon they reached the law firm.

Law firm

Shriya came back to her cubicle after completing her lunch and began to check mails and her to do list. When she heard a voice "Happy Blday".

A broad smile ebbed on Shriya's face. She turned around to thank Arihan but Raghav picked him up and said "You cannot disturb anyone here Zoro! You can stay either in the Kids zone with other children or in my cabin if you promise to be a good boy".

Arihan replied "But I want to be with suplwoman" making a sad face. Shriya stood helpless and wanted to talk to Arihan. Raghav was perplexed that he has become quite close to Shriya and gave her a nick name.

Arihan's sad face upset Shriya and she grabbed him from Raghav's arms saying "I will drop him in the Kids zone sir! So that he doesn't disturb anyone" and began to walk quickly with Arihan in her arms before Raghav could respond.

On the way Shriya questioned him "How come baby Samurai is in office today?"
Arihan questioned "Why is suplwoman in office on hel blday?"

S: Smart boy! But you did not answer my question.

A: Filst you answel.

S: Ok! I have a lot of home work and your pednanna will scold me if I don't complete.

A: No! Pednanna is a good boy. He won't scold.

S: What about my answer?

A: Pednanna told he will buy me a amma. He said I can choose in this office.

Shriya was enraged on Raghav's behaviour for playing with a child's emotions. She felt it was not right on his part to give false hopes to Arihan. She dropped Arihan in Kids zone and said "I will come back in an hour baby. Keep playing till then".

Shriya stormed back to her cubicle. She got annoyed and started typing and completed her work in half an hour. She went to fetch herself a coffee when she was greeted by Avni.

"I want to talk to you" spoke Avni. Shriya did not have the energy to argue with her and said "I don't think I want to talk to you".

"I think you might miss out on something that can change your life" spoke Avni who was now facing Shriya who turned away from her.

Shriya closed her eyes and wondered why she was stuck in such situations. A conversation with Avni was the last thing she wanted for the day.

She turned around to say "Avni! I am not involved with Raghav anymore and wha.." and Shriya was inturuppted by Avni who said "Your son is alive".


Heya guys!
So done with another chapter.

Also I wanted to know do you want me to end the story in four or five chapters or should I add another track.

What do you think will happen now?

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