33. Revelation? (Part-1)

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St.Albert's Hospital
The wet floor of the hospital ward was being cleaned and a strong pungent smell of spirit engulfed the premises. Raghav made his way inside trying not to inhale the sharp odour.

Hospitals always made him anxious dreading for the worst. It was even more annoying this time as he wasn't informed anything specifically and his urge to know the reason he was called got him completely disturbed.

After he lost his temper on Shriya and walked out he received a call from his mother requesting him to rush to St.Albert's hospital. Her voice was laced with fear and tension. He enquired regarding his mother in the reception.

"Room 30B towards your left sir" spoke a pale looking man at the reception. Raghav took steady steps towards the room. Numerous thoughts clouded his mind. He felt uneasiness creep in through his system. He couldn't decipher the reason for this feeling. Instead of looking for his mom. He sat on a nearby chair.

Something about hospitals always felt creepy. The only sane hospital experience he ever had was that when he had Shriya around him. He smiled reminiscing the times when they ran out of the hospital stealing a stranger's bike.

"Why don't you understand Sweetu! I am not okay with you around me and me pretending to be a no one to you?" He spoke little loudly earning him glances from hospital staff.

His phone rang with his mother's name being displayed on the caller ID. He picked up and enquired about the room number.
He wasted no time and reached the room his mother was admitted in. The nurse gave him a briefing about her condition.

As Raghav reached the room he could see a fragile person laying on the hospital bed. He went and sat near her. She opened her eyes and spoke "Raghav! I met your dad after 14 years today" in a weak voice.

Raghav let her continue without speaking a word but she could see concern growing in his eyes. She continued "He came to Drona's house and the first words he spoke after all this while to both of us was rather a question".

"He asked where was Arihan. I lost my cool and shouted on him causing me a break down and I passed out".

"What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment Raghav?" tears streamed down Neeranjana's eyes as she spoke. She held Raghav's hand and continued "He is his illegitimate son right" she spoke with bitterness in her voice.

Raghav silently wiped her tears with his hand and placed a hand on her head and spoke "Mamma! You need to take rest. I assure you to get to the truth of this matter and let you know". He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

He made sure she slept and informed his uncle Drona that he would be going to Lucky's house so that he could discuss about this and meet his dad. He drove towards Lucky's residence.

Lucky's Residence
Raghav entered through the gateway and saw that the main door was left open. He was confused and made his way inside. He thought Arihan might be playing hide and seek so they left it open.

He saw his dad pacing around the hallway. He smirked and spoke "I hope you are in best of health Mr.Reddy".

Govardhan Reddy turned to see his son and gave him a broad smile. He knew that his son was more concerned about his mother's health at the moment and did not take offence at his sarcasm.

"Sunny! I wanted to...." Before Govardhan could continue Raghav intervened and spoke "I have to inform my brother regarding my mother's health" and paced towards Laxman's room.

Both Sharanya and Govardhan spoke in unison "Wait Raghav!". Sharanya stopped Raghav and said "Raghav there's something you need to know".

He signalled her to wait and walked towards Laxman's room. As he opened the door he looked at a very terrified Arihan clinging to Laxman's shoulders and Laxman's face was red with a frown.

Raghav called out Laxman's name which earned him a very intense death glare from Laxman. Raghav couldn't decipher the reason for such behaviour.

Arihan though terrified walked towards Raghav and questioned Raghav "Why did you lie to me that you will buy an amma for me when I have one?"

Hola people!
I hope you guys remember this story!
I know it's my mistake to have literally gone for what seemed like an era.

It's a short update and after a long time. Do tell me in comments your thoughts.
I want to know what you guys feel.

Love Love

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