46. Reception

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Shriya half heartedly left to her apartment. She felt really bad for disappointing him. As she walked inside, she saw a lot of people packing and moving things. The volunteers of packers and movers were walking here and there as they shifted the materials hurriedly into trollies and further into truck.

Shriya went into Serah's room which was now completely empty. She walked around the desolate room as it resonated with her mind space. After Raghav walked away she did not make an attempt to stop him. It was not just her son but also Raghav she has missed out on all these years. She wondered how much of catching up they had to do. He did confess his love for her twice and his desire to marry her but she was yet not convinced that he really wanted her in his life.

She always wondered so because she had very low self esteem in the past few years. She had never allowed any man to come to her. There were several proposals but she was never open to being in a relationship for her heart belonged to Raghav. She was tired of being scared about everything. She wanted to feel liberated and live life to the fullest like she used to.

Now with Serah starting a new life, all she had was herself and her thoughts in this empty house. She did miss her girly chats about everything with Serah. All these years Serah was her support system. She did find Avni interesting but they were far from being friends. An idea popped in her mind that she wanted to host an all girls party. But it would be cruel of her if she invited Serah on their wedding night. So she thought she would do that the next day.

Meanwhile she dressed up in a long Burgandy velvet gown to head towards Serah's reception party at Drona's residence. She looked at herself in the mirror examining herself for one last time and added another layer of matching Burgandy lipstick. After all these years this was the first time she felt like dressing up. She never bothered to even have a good look at her closet. She wanted to look good and partly it was because Raghav complemented her and she started giving attention to details about herself.

She looked at the mirror and questioned herself if she was dressing up for him. She was pondering on why it bothered her that he was upset. She started thinking about his date proposal. She wondered where he could be taking her. His presence has made her feel more like a woman. It had ignited all the lost feelings in her. Sometimes you could be denying everything but it takes one moment to realise life changing decisions. Serah's marriage played in her mind and she understood with all her heart that she wanted to be bound in matrimony. She realised that she was ready to take the step.

It was maybe the fact that she was alone she remembered all their hugs and passionate kisses. She was guilty for thinking so but at the same time she couldn't stop herself from falling for his very passionate behaviour and personality. A part of her was insecure about not being good enough for him. She again examined herself in the mirror as a reflex. She remembered the first time he painted her and surprised her in the art gallery. She found herself blushing and she shook her head. They shared their first kiss that day. She was frustrated with herself and her thoughts betraying the strong words she spoke.

She said looking the mirror "Whom are you denying Shriya? You do love him and want him. Stop pushing him away before everything falls apart all over again". She was ready to begin a new journey.

She sat in a cab pondering how he had been nothing but really understanding all this while. Her thoughts were brought to a halt as the cab stopped at the reception venue.

She was last to enter as she saw everybody from the family were already present. Laxman along with Arihaan came to welcome her. Arihan looked at her and said "Amma! You are wearing stars in your ears" as her diamond earrings shone. She had a broad grin at her boy's words. Laxman said "So agent Shriya! I declare our mission accomplished as now Drona uncle and Sharanya aunty are also having a chat! Just look at them. We have successfully completed a wedding without any issue".

Shriya said "Well! Avni is to thank here". As Avni heard her words she came towards her and spoke "Oh my! Look at you all glamorous". Shriya and Avni indulged in their girly talk as Laxman walked away. Shriya and Avni were seated near a table when Serah entered along with Aadhik. There was applause at the new couple.

Raghav who was sitting in a room came down to acknowledge the couple. He was looking dapper in his olive green suit. As the event began people started congratulating the couple and saying things about them. Shriya went emotional after her speech and hugged Serah. The party was still on as all the couples danced. Shriya did not fail to notice that Sharani was gushing around Laxman.

Sharini and Laxman were lost dancing on a romantic number when she looked at Raghav. Raghav was holding a grumpy Arihaan who was now at the verge of sleeping. Govardhan Reddy came towards Shriya and said "Shriya! You don't have to be a spectator from far. You are the mother so you could go to him. I wanted to thank you for speaking to Neeru".

Shriya gave him a smile and said "Uncle! I have done nothing. You deserve all the happiness" to which he only said "So do you my child" Shriya felt heart warming. He had always taken care of her like his own daughter.

Shriya hesitantly walked towards Raghav and Arihaan shouted "Amma! I don't want to sleep. I want to dance. Ask them to play Rock music and not this bad one". Shriya said "But I thought you knew about the ghost which will pick you up if you don't sleep".

Raghav kept silent as he watched their conversation and held Arihaan. Arihaan now quickly closed his eyes and rested his head on Raghav's shoulder. Within no time he fell asleep. Raghav said gently "I will put him on the bed". Shriya said "Raghav I wanted to talk to you".

"I know Shriya! I can understand that you want to talk about co parenting and managing with him but I have had a long day and very tired  we can maybe talk to tommorow" said Raghav in a droopy voice. He frankly had to make up his mind to talk to her without getting affected. The way she approached him, the reception and all the couples happy and lost in their own world was making him feel all the mire lonely. The romantic music and Shriya dressed in all glory was adding fuel to the fire.

He came down leaving Arihaan asleep safely. Shriya was still waiting for him. He wanted to be away from her. He looked around just to see all of them dancing with their respective partners. He did not have anybody to speak to and avoid her.

He was walking outside the hall and she followed him. He had it enough and turned towards her and said "What is it Shriya? Can you not leave me alone? I have already told you we will talk later. Did I not?"

Shriya walked even closer to him and said "It's very important for me to talk". He walked back and said "Look Shriya! I am in no mood to talk. You cannot do this to me. Of you stay for another minute before my eyes I might loose control over myself and you don't want to regret being around right. Please leave".

Shriya did not move instead questioned  " What of I won't regret".  Raghav raised an eyebrow trying to register her words when she held his hand and with hopeful eyes and quivering voice asked "Will you ...marry me.. Ra.." before she could complete the sentence he captured her lips.


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