36. Surprise

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter.

Shriya's Residence,
Shriya took in the fragrance of wild daffodils as she walked across her terrace garden. She exclaimed "Sometimes the beauty of a flower can be estimated by it's fragrance and not it's color!".

The setting sun spread warmth across the place and she for once awaited for the calmness of the evening to soothe her. Ever since she found out about her child there was a sense of releif and smile on Shriya's face. These days every night she looked at stars not to find traces of her son but waiting for the day to show them to him and recite bed time stories. Life takes you on unexpected roads and Shriya was not anxious or remorseful this one time.

She sprayed water on all her plants and sat down on a chair sipping coffee. She felt a hand on her shoulder and her breath hitched. She couldn't master courage to turn and look at him. She knew it was true and wasn't dreaming but it felt like day dream.

"Will you not look at me Sweety?" he questioned in his gentle voice. She turned to look at her brother who stood before her after six painful years.

"Pra..ka..sh! Is.. th..at.. y..ou? H...ow did you find me"? Shriya tried hard to make a proper sentence.

Prakash placed a hand on his little sister's head and questioned "How could you think we would abandon our little princess?" He gulped down his tears. Shriya quickly placed her head on his shoulder.

"Sweety! I beg you to come back! There wasn't a single day we have not missed you. We are never complete without you. Please forgive us" Prakash spoke folding his hands before his sister.

Shriya hung her head down and managed to speak "Anna! I haven't returned due to my own guilt. I don't blame any of you. Infact, I am responsible for akka's wedding being called off".

"Sweety! That groom wasn't worthy. You know akka is now happily married to one of our neighbours Arvind and has a lovely daughter".

Shriya smiled between her tears and questioned "What is her name?"

"Shriya" he answered. "We could never forget our darling sister".

He questioned hastily "What happened to your baby Sweety?"

Shriya couldn't stop herself anymore and poured her heart out to her brother. Prakash held his sister's hand as she spoke. He felt extremely guilty for not being there for his sister. He heard it all and the only words he spoke were "We will get the complete custody of the boy Sweety! I am with you in this". 

Shriya gave a sarcastic smirk and said "My baby is too attached to his paternal family. Also, I don't want to separate him from his father and his family. My Duggu deserves love of both his parents. I don't know if he will ever accept me as his mom". Shriya choked on the last few words.

"We can sue them for hiding the truth Shriyu" Prakash spoke enraged. Shriya held his arm and said "Govardhan uncle is a minister. He helped many homeless women and children. He has a reputation. I don't want to destroy it. He and Sharanya aunty are well respected. A lot of needy people live peacefully because of them. I cannot do this. They both have helped me a lot and me and my child are alive because of them".

"What about you suffering Shriyu?" Prakash questioned. Shriya smiled took a pause and answered "I have my son alive and happy. I don't think anything else matters to me".

Prakash had anger evident in his eyes but he spoke calmly "You still love Raghav! Don't you?".

"I don't remember when I haven't loved him. But I don't think I will ever accept him in my life" Shriya spoke as a matter of fact.

Before Prakash could react they heard the door bell ring. Shriya had another surprise waiting on the other side of the door. Unaware she casually walked towards the door and opened to to find no one.

She looked around and turned to go inside when she felt a tug on her leg and voice which said "Amma! Can I stay in youl house".

Shriya quickly bent down to Arihan's level and looked into his eyes which seemed droopy and sad. She couldn't register the fact that he acknowledged her as his mother. Soon realisation dawned upon her and she took him in a tight hug.

"Amma! I will be a good boy! Do you love me?" Arihan questioned resting his head on her shoulder. "Ofcourse I love you to the moon and back" came her reply.

Sharanya and Serah entered simultaneously.  Shriya looked at Sharanya with a confused face. Sharanya asked Serah to take rest before her big day.

Arihan refused to leave Shriya's hand but was also very sleepy. Prakash who waited on the terrace long enough came down to check on his sister. He found little Arihan and recognised him in no time. He took quick steps towards them and spoke "Hi baby! I am Prakash your Amma's brother. You can call me mama!".

Arihan jumped on his uncle and spoke excitedly "Will you come to my school fol uncle's day and win a game with me?

Prakash took him in his arms and replied to  his question. Sharanya informed Shriya "Shriya! The truth was revealed to Raghav. He is in chaos and shouted on Arihan. Arihan has taken it for a fact that no one loves him. He is really hurt and wanted to be with you".

Shriya saw that coming but never knew that Raghav would be insensitive to Arihan in this matter. She was utterly angry on Raghav for loosing his temper on Arihan. All she spoke was "Aunty! You have helped me enough. Please do me another favor and make sure this wedding happens without any problem. It's time you take care of your son Aadhik". Sharanya noded and took leave.

Shriya went to the kitchen and prepared sandwich for Arihan. She was thankful that Prakash was here to divert Arihan.

"Children are so pure. They cannot be angry and sad for a lot of time" spoke Shriya more to herself. She couldn't forgive Raghav for scarring a child's mind. She thought about her future with Arihan and it occurred to her that she cannot avoid Raghav.

She had mixed feelings about it but chose to smile thinking of the fact that her child has acknowledged her as a mother for the first time.


Hi guys!
Tell me your thoughts about this chapter.

I feel things are getting too dramatic.

Also, tell me of I should end this book with few chapters or write in detail about both past and future.

Please comment.

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