Prologue/Hello :)

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Hello, I'm Shari of as its more obvious Larrylashtonshipper, I'd like to say thank you for reading and also the edit on the cover is mine.

I always knew that I was different. When I was a child nobody ever, wanted to be near me. I always thought why don't people want to be friends with me? But I guess it was always obvious.

I mean nobody ever wants to be friends with a freak.

Now before you go and tell me I'm bot a freak I should tell you that I am indeed a freak. I have a tail and kitten ears. That makes me a freak. I'm what some people call a hybrid cat. I'm human but with some genes of a cat. I can purr and meow like a cat. I have a white tail, with white ears, which I've always found very weird because I have blonde hair. But I never questioned it.

By the time I turned 10, my mom left me alone on the streets. I understood because she didn't know what to do with me. So now I stay curled up on the streets corners. Singing and humming to myself. A few people were nice and gave me a beanie and a jacket, but the jacket is worn out and has holes now. The beanie keeps my ears warm on cool days. I also had a good friend that took me in for a few years.

Sometimes people try to give me money but I don't know what to do with it. So I just decline. People give me bread sometimes but other then that I don't eat much.

My life changed when I boy with curly hair and hazel eyes found me in the rain on a stormy night.

Ashton's POV-

I hated storms with a passion. I hated it when I had to drive in them too. The windows were always hard to see out of and I wanted to throw a brick at them to see better.

But even though I hated storms, I had to drive home from work, which was 25 miles away from my house. I don't know why I excepted the job. I'm good at it, but I don't like it.

Tonight was different from most stormy nights. There weren't many cars, and most of the houses I drove by didn't have any lights on. But I ignored it all. Until I saw someone walking, maybe limping a little, on the street walk. My first thought was to just drive by the person, but, being the extremely nice person I am, instead I slowed down and rolled down my window.


The person stopped in their steps and turned around. I swear his ear were glowing for a second. But then they were a normal colored blue.

"Uh y-yes?" He asked obviously very cold.

He was wearing a thin black jacket with the hood up, a blue beanie and black bagy pants. And to top it off I could hear his teeth chattering.

"Here get in, I'll give you a ride. Where are you going?" I asked.

He stepped back. "O-oh n-no I'm fine. Y-you dont have too."

I sighed and opened the passenger door. "Well I want to." Like I said I was a nice person.

I saw him shiver before looking around then back at me. He bit his lip before nodding and getting into the car. He shut the door and I quickly turned up the heater. He wrapped his arms around himself.

"Thank you." He whispered. His voice was faint but I could hear it.

I smiled. "Your welcome! Where you going?" I asked again while starting to drive.

"Y-you can drop me off anywhere."

I frown and glance over at him becoming confused. "Don't you live somewhere?"

He swallows and pulls his jacket tighter around himself. "Um..m-my parents kicked me out?"

He sounded very unsure but I let it pass. He sighed when I didn't ask any questions. As I was getting closer to my house. I thought.

Either I can drop him off out in the cold.


"How about you stay at my place for a few days?"

So this story is based off a oneshot I made and I really hope you guys like it. I've decided that I'll post more on this story on the 10th of this month. So leave comments if you want more.

Also this story also has Luke shorter then Ashton because that's how it was in the oneshot and I think tiny kitten Luke is adorable!

Love you guys!


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