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Amber pov:
I'm now sat with Becca on the sofa and we are singing along with chapter 13's songs at the top of our lungs.

I was looking at Jacobs insta in awe "omg you should dm him" Becca said smiling like hell while she looks at toms insta page "Becca he won't even see it let alone read it and what would I even say hey there I think you are fit and I just want to hug you for years" I said laughing I rlly did like this boy "omg it won't hurt to just send a text and just say well done about getting the golden buzzer and stuff" she said without taking he eyes off her phone for one minute "fine"

DM's with Jacob:
Amber:hey Jacob Ik ya are gunna get a load of these but I just wanna say you and the rest of the lads rlly deserve this so well done xx

Amber pov:
I guess I will have to just wait and see what happens next

Hope ya enjoyed it Soz I write short I find it easier to do I short page a day coz I have adhd and I find it rlly hard to concentrate but I'm trying xx

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