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It's now 5 pm and I am freaking out Becca is freaking out as well coz she is gunna be able to talk to Tom.
I'm on my phone and it starts video calling it's Jacob I press answer and I see his face we just look at each other and then I realised that I was starting and smiling like and idiot.
I prop my phone up and me and Becca are talking to Jacob and tom "hey amber"Jacob said god his voice is just able to kill me "hey Jacob" I say blushing "Jacob look she blushing" tom says laughing "shut up" I say covering my face "so who's the pretty girl next to you" tom says talking bout Becca "that's my cousin Becca" Becca starts smiling so much over tom and trying not to fangirl "hey Becca" tom said waving "hey tom" Becca said blushing "aye Becca dm me so we can talk and leave them too to do whatever" Becca looked as if she was about to pass out "ye sure" she then sat at the end of my bed texting tom and smiling so much "anyways you ok?" Jacob says bringing a new convo "ye I'm good I guess, you?" I said I was sat with my legs crossed "yeah I'm better now talking to you" he said making me blush like crazy I probably look like a muppet but oh well "aww stop I look like a bloody tomato now" I said covering my face "you look cute like that anyways I wanna meet you" he said that and my heart started going crazy "I wanna meet you but how can we meet coz your in London and well I'm not m" I say laughing "well you and Becca could come to the semi finals with us and then we could hang out for a bit?" He said smiling "yeah I would but I'm broke as crap so I can't pay to come tho" I started to get a bit upset "don't worry about that I will sort all that out" he said smiling like crazy "yeah ok well I've got to go but I will text ya later ok?" I said "yeah ok talk to ya later byeeeee" he said pulling out the e.
And then I ended the call I guess I will just have to see what happens next..
Heyyyy amber here hope you enjoy this I was totally not blasting chapter13 around my house while writing this anyways byeeeee xx

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