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It's was the day of the semi finals so we went with the boys to watch them at rehearsals they was sooo good and then we would go to the semi finals with them tonight they was all happy but nervous.

"Right it's our go to go on now" tom I said smiling and he went and hugged Becca I walked over to Jacob "good luck" i said while kissing his cheek "thanks" he smiled and turned and went out with the rest of the boys.

They was so good we was all backstage while waiting for the results but then they had to go back out there "GOOD LUCK!" Me and Becca cheered.

The boys was stood on the stage nerves kicked in and then ant and dec was saying if they got through unfortunately they didn't get though the all came out and looked happy "why do you all look happy?" I asked "because this has been one of the best things to happen and we got a lot out of this I would've never met you if we never came on bgt" Jacob said and the he came up to me and said "look amber I know I haven't known you for long at all but I feel like I've known you all my life so amber will you be my girlfriend?" He said looking at me I was shocked but so happy "yes Jacob yes I will be your girlfriend" I smiled he then kissed me "oh and btw tom is talking about asking Becca out tomorrow" Jacob said laughing "right guys let's go get a Kabab and we can go live later "Jake said running out the door.

Oh my god I'm Jacobs girlfriend I laughed to myself.

Heyyyy guys Amber here sorry if I'm not posting much back at school and it's rate stressing but I'm trying anyways hope you enjoyed it byeeeeee xx

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