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Amber pov:
I get up and start getting ready for the day I don't wear any makeup because I can't be bothered to do it and I just brush my hair and leave it out.

Amber pov:I get up and start getting ready for the day I don't wear any makeup because I can't be bothered to do it and I just brush my hair and leave it out

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This is my outfit for then I go on my phone and check my insta and I have a message.
Jacob:hey and thanks we all really appreciate it x
I look at it and I can't believe he actually responded to me holy crap the Jacob Swann text me back.
- - - -
I get to school and I am just bored out of my mind so I go on my phone and text Jacob hoping we could have a convo or something.
Amber:omg hey you actually responded to me haha
He responded like instantly I was shook
Jacob:yeah why wouldn't I you are like really pretty

Amber:1 I'm really not and 2 I'm bored and my teacher is soooo annoying 😂

Jacob:you are but anyways when do ya get back from school I wanna video call

Amber:well I finish at 2 but I'm busy forra bit so we could at like 5??

Jacob:Yh that's fine is it ok if my mate tom joins us?

Amber:ye I was actually wondering if my cousin Becca could join as well 😂

Jacob:Yh that fine I've gtg the boys are wondering who I'm texting but I will talk to ya later xx

Amber:ye sure talk to ya later xx

Now I will just have to wait till 5.

Heyyyyyy amber here I was listening to the 1975 while writing this 😂 Matty thooo😍 anyways hope ya enjoy and I am gunna try post everyday Kk bye xx

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