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Ambers pov:
"Jacob wake your lazy ass up I wanna go to Mcdonalds" I said smacking him round the head with the pillow "god I'm up calm down" he said waking up "yay now your up hurry that fit ass of yours and get dressed" I said laughing.

After McDonald's:
"So tomorrow we are doing a gig" Jacob said smiling so bright "omg yayyyyy" I said screaming and hugging him.
I can't wait for this.

Heyyyyyy guys Amber here soooooooo sorry I've been gone I've just had a lot going on in my family sooooooo ye and I can't believe they are going on tour!!!!!! And Me and Becca are going to the one in Manchester I'm sooooo happy rn anyways I'm not dead if you was wondering so ye byeeeeeee hoes xx

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