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Ambers pov:
The door opened and there stood Jacob he practically ran to me and hugged me I never wanted to let go I wanted to stay like this forever but he then pulled away leaving me cold "omg amber I can't believe I'm actually meeting you" he said smiling "I can't believe I'm meeting you" I said hugging him again "you are so much prettier in real life"he said when he pulled back looking me in the eyes "shut up I look like an bloody potato"I said blushing and laughing.

Me and Jacob was talking when tom ran into the room once he saw Becca his face lit up he ran into her and hugged forever "omg tom hi"Becca said smiling "Becca your actually here I am so happy right now"he said looking into her eyes.

"Um there is a slight problem we don't have any spare rooms so ya both will have to share with someone"Jacob said looking at me , tom jumped at this moment to get Becca "Becca you can stay in my room if you like"tom said looking at Becca "yeah sure i don't mind"I could tell she was trying not to pass out she was so happy "um amber do you maybe wanna stay in my room?"Jacob said to me looking at his feet like he was nervous "um yeah if that's okay"I said smiling he then looked right at my with the biggest grin in the world god he looked so cute "yeah well Noah and Jake arnet here but I will get them to pick up pizza on way back" Jacob said "yeah sure that's fine".

Skip to when it's night:

I went to Jacobs room and he came in after me we were both wearing our pjs and we got in bed we had to share (not that I'm complaining) we just talk about everything but we started to get tired so we dicaded we should sleep but before I fell asleep Jacob started talking "hey amber do you mind if I cuggle you?" He said nervous "no i Dont mind" I said smiling and blushing, he then put his arm around me and I felt all my worry's and fears go away I felt safe here in Jacobs arms "goodnight amber"he said and kissed my cheek "night Jacob" we both then fell asleep god I can't wait until tomorrow.
Heyyy guys god I wish this fanfic could be real anyways hope you enjoyed it byeeeee xx

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