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I'm at school and it's the last day until the holidays and it's break and I have nothing to do I then get a phone call the Jacob I start smiling like an idiot and answer.
"Heyyyy amber what you up to I'm bored"Jacob said laughing making my heart melt "hey Jacob not much you?"I said blushing thank god he couldn't see "just with the boys" I smiled imagining what stupid stuff they are getting up to "cool I wish I could be there with you guys"I said starting to feel said "yeah about that in the holidays you and Becca are coming down to London for 2 weeks and it's all sorted so you don't have to worry"I then hear the boys cheer in the background "holy crap really oh my god I can't wait I will tell Becca after school she is going to die when I tell her" I said laughing "tom says he wants to be able to meet her first and I don't want you dieing ever so please don't anyway I've got to go talk to you later" he said laughing "yeah okay bye Jacob" I said blushing "bye amber" I then hung up the phone.

Oh my god I can't wait for these holidays.

Hey guys amber here I'm back bitch did ya miss me jk nobody does but anyways I am still struggling but I will try write some for ya anyways bye love youuuuuu xx😂

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