My Pride & Flaws

49 18 29

First thing's first, a quick shout out to romunem for the awesome book cover. Appreciate the love & support fam.


I want to know your views on whether the title of this update should be "Pride" or something else. But that'll depend on how you view it and also try to review if the poem makes any sense. Your corporation will be of great importance, thanks.


I constantly crammed dead ego inside me

A power I thought I could properly handle

Irrational to recognize the effects of it

Capable of scarring my fragile soul.

All the inner scrapes and bruises

All these self-inflicted wounds

Aren't the only membranes I tore open

But the punctured thin borderlines

Between dear pride and humanity

Are also the byproducts of my negativity

Now, I gladly befriended fermented drinks

Thinking maybe I can forget all this,

Heal the scars of my sins,

And See the world from a different angle


My arrogance took me nowhere

But somewhere worse than before,

A joyful world of regret and loneliness.


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