"title" (little maknaes) pt.2.

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It was 8 o'clock when they were all sitting in the living room, watching Cinderella. Jimin was sitting on Hoseok's lap, Taehyung and Jungkook had their heads pressed together, Yoongi was already sleeping, and Jin and Namjoon were admiring the two youngest, looking so cute

Jimin was fighting against the sleep, trying to stay awake to see the end of the movie which they had already watched fifty times already. Hoseok noticed Jimin's sleepy eyes and chuckled, "you should go to sleep pumpkin"

Jimin shook his head lazily, "Jiminie *yawn* Jiminie is no sleepy"

"Yeah right, c' mon, let's get this baby under covers," Hoseok kissed Jimin's cheeks before picking him up, "I have some work to do so I'll take you to sleep with dada instead" Jimin smiled at the word dada

Hoseok laid Jimin next to sleeping Yoongi and left. "Dada," Jimin whispered, "Jiminie is sleeping with you tonight"

Yoongi opened his eyes and smiled, "that's nice, kitten, now come here so we can cuddle" Yoongi opened his arms so the little could lay on his chest, "good night, Kitten"

"Sleep well, dada"


"What about you two? Are you sleepy?" Namjoon asked the two youngest whose eyes were drooping closed. The two littles nodded their heads slightly and the two elders smiled

Jin picked up Jungkook and Namjoon picked up Taehyung, they were carrying them to their own rooms but then Taehyung mumbled, " appa, can Taetae sleep with Kookie?"

"Of course, baby boy" They carried the two to Jungkook's room because he had a bigger bed (altho they wouldn't need that much space because they will just cuddle) and as they thought when they laid the two on the bed they started hugging each other


"Omma! Omma! Omma!" Jin was woken up by Taehyung who was jumping on his stomach. "Baby... what are you doing awake? It's late"

"But omma, Kookie is crying and he won't wake up.." Jin immediately sat up, "is he in his room?" Taehyung nodded. "Okay, I'll deal with Kookie, you can stay and sleep in here," Jin said and left to Jungkook's room

Jin entered the room and aw Jungkook rolling around on the bed while sobbing. "Kookie, baby," Jin tried to shook the boy awake, "bunny, wake up" Jungkook stopped rolling but kept sobbing

It took a while for Jin to wake the poor boy but eventually, he opened his eyes and as soon as he saw Jin he jumped on his lap, "o-omma... i-it was... Koo-Kookie..."

"Breath, baby, breath"

Jungkook took a few deep inhales and started speaking again, "Kookie saw a nightmare... it was about... about..."

"Shh, I know, baby, I know" Jin has got used to that Jungkook would have nightmares, the dreams were always same. It was hard for Jungkook to tell everyone of him being a little, so he would see nightmares of other's hating him because of it. But of course, he knew that Jin and others loved him

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" Jin asked. Jungkook nodded slightly against Jin's chest and Jin laid them on the bed. He pulled the blanket on top of them both and soon fall asleep, hugging Jungkook close to his chest


Hoseok came back from work, it was his night shift so he's tired and in need of cuddles. "Hi, Hobi," Hoseok almost had a heart attack because of Namjoon who came out of the bathroom. "Namjoon!" Hoseok whisper-yelled, "don't do that" I almost died!" Namjoon only chuckled

After calming down his heart, Hoseok took his jacket off and yawned. "You should go to sleep, hyung"

"I don't need sleep, I need cuddles"

"Well you got lucky then, Jin is sleeping with Jungkook and Yoongi is sleeping with Jimin, Taehyung is alone in Jin's room so you could-" Namjoon didn't even get to end his sentence before Hoseok ran towards Jin's room

He's also one giant baby, Namjoon thought to himself and went to sleep to his own room


I live for little maknaes <3<3<3

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