Sick baby (Minjoon)

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"Baby~," Namjoon called his still asleep boyfriend, "it's time to get up or you'll be late." Namjoon sat next to the bundle of blankets, a frown appeared on Namjoon's face, he hadn't given but only one blanket to Jimin when he had tucked him in last night

Namjoon was going to lift the blanket but instead got stopped by whiny Jimin, "nuu, Diminie ish cold," the small boy whimpered and got back under his many blankets

"Sweetheart, are you feeling okay?" The older got a shake of the head as an answer. The older boy removed the blankets from Jimin's face and felt the younger's forehead with the back of his hand, "baby! You're burning up"

"But Diminie ish so, so, SO cold," the younger whimpered. The little boy grabbed the older's arm and hugged it against his chest

"Aww, you poor baby," the older cooed, kinda a fan of sick little Jimin, "is there anything else wrong?"

"Twoath huwts an' eyes feel hot, Diminie's eyes aw buwning when twies to close them"

"Okay, I'm going to get you some medicine and send an email to your teacher, I'll be right back." Namjoon tried to pull his hand from the younger but he didn't give in, "nuu, daddy's awm is Diminie's"

Namjoon chuckled, "but baby, how am I supposed to get you your medicine if I can't leave"

"You can leave youw awm with Diminie"

"That's not how arms work, baby, I can't just leave it with you while going somewhere else"

Jimin pouted at the elder's answer, "finew, leave Diminie all alone"

Namjoon smiled down to his pouting baby, "I'll be right back," he said and kissed Jimin's forehead


The little Jimin's sickness hadn't left after a week and Namjoon was getting worried. It wasn't normal for Jimin to be sick that long, he usually beat them in a few days

"Daddy!" Jimin whined from their shared bedroom and Namjoon was in there in a second, "yes baby?"

"Diminie wants to pway but when Diminie twied to get up the woom stawted to spin... stupid woom..." Jimin said and threw a pillow at the wall (alright ARMYs, we have a room to kill)

Namjoon hated seeing Jimin like this, usually, the younger was full of energy and would run around the house until he got a timeout, but now he couldn't even sit

"You know what, how about we go see a doctor?"

Jimin's eyes widened in shock at the mention of a doctor, "nunununu! Diminie ish otay, no need bad man!"

Namjoon laughed at his boyfriend's cuteness, "no, sweetie, this doctor won't give you an injection like the last doctor"

"Gud, Diminie no like the bad man, he was bad"

Namjoon sat next to Jimin and kissed him, "yeah, he was. I'm going to call a doctor and get you an appointment, okay?" Jimin nodded his head, slowly so the room wouldn't spin again

Namjoon took out his phone and called the doctor

"Good morning, this is doctor Choi, how may I help you?"

"My name is Kim Namjoon and I'm worried for my boyfriend, Park Jimin, he has been sick for a week now and he has shown no signs of getting better, I was wondering if there would be some stronger medicine you could give him?"

"Of course, I just need to meet this Park Jimin before I can sign him on anything. Would 11 am tomorrow sound good to you?"

Namjoon looked down at Jimin who was now playing with his kitty plushie, "does 11 tomorrow sound good, baby?"

Jimin looked up to the older boy with big doe eyes, "does Diminie weally need that many?"

Namjoon started laughing, making the doctor confused, "sure doc, 11 am sounds good"


The doctor had given Jimin some stronger medicine and now the little boy was feeling a lot better, he could get up from the bed without getting dizzy and soon he could run around the house with an exhausted Namjoon behind him

Namjoon was happy for his boyfriend but a little part of him missed how calm sick Dimine was


Quickly written because I just wanted to write something in here since I haven't done it in a few months :)

Hopefully you enjoyed!

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