Bad day (Nammin) Fluff

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Jimin came home from practice and immediately he jumped on his bed. He buried his face on the pillow and crossed his arms under him. "Hmph!"

"Woah, what is it?" Namjoon, who was on his own bed reading a book, said. Jimin stayed quiet. "Is my baby having a bad day?" Namjoon sat up, ready to take care of Jimin if he had slipped. " 'm not a baby," Jimin said against the pillow.

"Okay then, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Jimin sat up, pouting, arms still crossed, "Tae slipped in the middle of practice so I didn't get to do anything, I had to watch over him"

"Were you two alone? Where is he now?"

"Probably playing with Jungkook" Jimin said, voice little mocking. "Jimin," Namjoon said in a serious tone, "it's not his fault he slipped, so don't be mean" Jimin only scoffed and laid back on the bed. "Why are you being like this?" the older asked but Jimin stayed quiet.

Namjoon sighed, he saw Jimin's shoulders slightly jumping and knew he was crying, Namjoon stood up and walked to Jimin's bed, he took a dog plushie from the floor and gave it to Jimin, "baby-"

"I'm not little right now! Okay?!" Jimin yelled with teary eyes and threw the plushie back to Namjoon. "But do you want to be?" Jimin stopped crying and looked up to the older. "Does baby want to be little?" Jimin sat up. "Did baby want to slip at practice but couldn't because there wasn't anyone else?" Jimin pouted and nodded slightly, Namjoon noticed the change in Jimin, he had slipped.

"Taetae swipped and Jiminie wanted to pway wif him" Jimin pouted and crawled on Namjoon's lap. Namjoon hugged the little in his arms, "you were a good boy when you didn't, I'm proud of you sweetie" the name made Jimin slip further and started giggling, "Jiminie was good?" he clapped his hands. "Yes, Jiminie was really good"

Suddenly Jimin gasped and got off of Namjoon's lap, the older got scared that something happened but then Jimin sat on the floor next to the dog plushie he had thrown earlier and held it in his arms, "Jiminie sowwy" Jimin pouted and kissed the toy, "didn' meant to thwow you" Jimin hugged the plushie hard, "what was that mistew doggy? Doggy say it's fine!" Jimin grinned and Namjoon laughed at his cuteness.

"Does baby want to go play with Tae now?" Jimin gasped, "yesyesys!" Jimin ran out of the room, Namjoon right behind him

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