Chapter 24 - Can i push him down the cliff????

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Its official that life hates me. Im stuck with that Jacob for the biology project.
On top of that today , the whole day I have to hangout with him. Hangout in the sense we need to go on a natural trial and collect some specimens and write down some notes based on our experience. So apparently I'm stuck with him. I don't want to do this because he is going to make me do the whole thing and he's going to sit there and play games on his phone. The nerve of this guy I say.
I pushed away all thoughts of how to murder him and got out of my bed and dashed quickly to take a shower. After fifteen minutes of violating my wardrobe I chose an white nike T-shirt and paired it with a black nike track suit.

After getting ready I went downstairs and I informed my mom about where I was going to be the whole day

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After getting ready I went downstairs and I informed my mom about where I was going to be the whole day. As soon as I told her that my project partner was a guy , she squealed like a two year old. Never mind.
I grabbed a few fruit bars for my breakfast and went and sat on the porch. I was waiting for Mr. Jacob Morris to turn up at my doorstep to pick me up. He said that he would be here by 9 and it's almost 20 minutes past it. I'll wait for another 10 minutes and if isn't turning up he will be dead in my hands. After about 2 minutes his car came and parked in front of me.
"Hey get in" he yelled, looking at me from the window.
I quickly got up and opened the car door.
He was wearing a black T-shirt with some patterns and a cream colour jeans. He looks hot. Okay get a grip on yourself. Remember you hate him.

"Where are we going first?" he asked me

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"Where are we going first?" he asked me.
"I have made a plan on how to finish our work maximum by today evening. Just don't be a pain in the ass and cooperate with me" I said.
"What's the fun in that?" he asked me.
The nerve of this guy.
"Then forget about the project"I said , coldly.
"Forest, the project is more important to you than it is to me" he said, smirking.
Okay. He has a point there. Still why would I agree with this guy. Huh. Never. I would die rather.
"Whatever. Just remember that I want to do nothing with you. I just want you to cooperate with me for this one time. After this project is over we both will no longer have to talk until the next project comes up and that's going to be next semester. The next semester would start about after four months so just cooperate for this once" I yelled at him.
He was completely taken aback by my outburst. For a second he didn't say anything but he quickly recovered.
"Cool" he said.
I just nodded my head and was looking outside the window because I was in no mood to argue with him.
After about 10 minutes our car haulted in front of McDonald's. I just gave him a confused look.
"You didn't have time to eat breakfast, so let's eat something and go ahead" he said while getting out of the car.
I quickly got down and started walking inside without glancing at him.
I chose a table for two and took my place. After about two minutes he came inside and sat opposite to me.
"So don't want to order anything" he asked me.
"Ofcourse I do" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Then go ahead" he said, looking at the menu.
I waved at the waiter to come and collect our order.
"Good morning ma'am, what can I do for you?" he asked, flashing me a smile.
"I would like to order a large cheese burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake" I said, looking at him.
"Sure ma'am. What do you want to order sir?" he asked Jacob , while writing down my order.
"I want two large cheese burgers with nachos and a vanilla milkshake" he said.
"Sure sir. I'll be back with your order in 10 minutes" he said and walked away.
I didn't want to make any conversation with the person sitting in front of me so I decided to use my phone instead.
After about ten minutes the food arrived and we ate silently.
It's been thirty minutes and we are still driving. First of all hanging out with this guy in itself is so annoying and on top of that I have to get him to work with me.
"I think we can walk from here" he said , stopping the car.
"Okay. So now we need to find some samples of leaves and flowers" I said.
"Let's get started then" he said, getting out of the car.
We were walking on the trail that I had decided to find some specimens. There were so many types of flowers and I was observing everything and making notes. After about 20 minutes I realised that I was doing everything alone.
Where was that stupid guy who came along with me? I couldn't see him .
Ughhhh. This sucks already.
"Jacob. Jacob" I yelled.
No response. Oh my god. Did he leave me here all alone by myself with no means to get back home?
Please god save me.
"Jacob, where are you?" I yelled.
No response.
Now I am officially creeping out and I'm shit scared.
After about me yelling  his name and searching for him , I still couldn't find that guy.
"Boo" suddenly someone yelled.
I turned back to see the person who yelled and there he was standing in all his glory.
"What the hell Jacob?" I yelled.
"Calm down your lungs woman. I was just fooling around" he said, laughing.
I will literally kill this guy and won't even regret for committing a murder.
"Just shut up okay. Do you think it's funny to always play around. Just be serious for this once and let us finish this one project goddamit" I shouted at him.
His smile faded and he was just frowning. After about two minutes of having a staring contest he grabbed his backpack and started walking forward.
I was shocked at the way he reacted just now but who cares.
He went to study a plant beside him. He was taking down notes and also was very focused on it.
The sudden seriousness actually freaked me out. I agree that he was being damn annoying but maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. I really don't get it.
Jacob Morris was the one and only person whom I couldn't figure out.
I have never seen somebody like him.
"Now what did you say about seriousness?" he asked me.
That's when I realised that I have been staring at him. Stupid me.
"I was working. Atleast I did more than you" I said, without thinking twice.
"What's your problem? I'm doing the work right. So just be happy" he said.
"Whatever" I muttered and went back to continue my work.
I just don't want this guy around me. Just him being around me will drive me crazy.
After about two hours of walking and examining whatever specimens we could find I was finally tired.
"Well I'm taking a break" I informed him.
"Same here" he said, sitting beside me.
I was feeling hungry and I don't think we have anything to eat.
"I'm feeling hungry. Could we grab some take out" I asked him.
"No need" he said.
What!!!!! I'm hungry and this guy wants to annoy me. Ugggh..
"Well I'm hungry and we are going to grab some food. Do you get that?" I half shouted.
"Jeez woman. Take it slow" he said.
"I. Want. Food. Nowww" I yelled.
"Can you please calm down for sometime?" he asked me.
I just rolled my eyes.
He quickly got up and went towards his car. If that butch is going to leave me here I'm going to castrate him.
To my surprise he came back with a basket.
Woah. Wait. Is it what I'm thinking?
He opened the basket and I already had a foodgasm.
There were freshly cut fruits, burgers, sandwiches, apple pie, pizza slices and cans of juices.
Oh my god. Did he do all this for us?
"From where did you get the food?" I asked him, surprised.
"My ghost got it" he said.
I just smiled.
"I figured that we would spend almost the entire day out and we would need food. I knew that you would be too lazy to pack the food so I thought let's do it"he said.
Oh my god.
Just like that all the irritation that I had towards him vanished into thin air.
"Thanks" I said and started eating. I was way too hungry to wait for him.

I was staring at her while she was eating the food. I am childish I'm aware of it but she always keeps yelling at me.
She needs to loosen up a bit.
It's just amusing to irritate her. The way she scowls and wiggles her eyebrows is cute. I don't know why but I find a lot of things cute about her.
Usually there are girls always swooning over me and paying attention.
Vanessa was the only one who doesent even bother to glance at me. The very first day when I was sitting beside her she was the least interested in me and that was like very intriguing.
In order to get her attention I just keep annoying her. She always gets angry and yells at me.
Today I just played a prank on her and by the looks of it , she would have killed me.
"So done eating" I asked her.
"Mmmmm Ahhhh" she moaned eating a pizza slice.
I just chuckled at the noise she made.
"What's so funny?" she asked me.
"Nothing" I said quickly.
"It's not my fault the food is so good" she said, while gulping the juice.
"Okay, I guess we need to get back to work" I said, chuckling.
"It's surprising that I was the one irritating you to be serious about the work" she said.
"Just get over it Forest. Let's continue" I said, smirking.
"Whatever" she muttered.
We worked for an another hour.
"I'm extremely tired" she said, flopping down on the ground.
"We worked a lot today" I said, sitting beside her.
"Yeah. Can we go home?" she asked me.
"Yeah" I said.
As soon as the words left her mouth her eyes drifted.
The tiredness was taking a toll on me and it wasn't far when my eyelids closed.
I opened my eyes and was surprised to see open sky and that's when all the happenings of the day struck me.
When I tried getting up I felt some weight on my left shoulder. I turned to see Vanessa leaning on my shoulder fast asleep.
She looks innocent and the frown that she always carries around wasn't there.
She is beautiful. Just like the nature. That's why I call her Forest.
A curl fell on her forehead and I gently tucked it behind her ear.
I woke her up as it was already 6. We need to get back home.
"It's too late. Let's get back home" she said , getting up.
"Okay, but the project isn't completely over" I said.
"It's almost done. We only have to segregate everything and make few more notes and it'll get over" she said, looking at me.
"Okay then" I said.
Atleast she would be happy that she doesent have to work with me.
That thought in itself was enough to create discomfort in me.

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