Chapter 23- Reunited?

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"Come on. Let's do it already"Ferdinand sighed in frustration.
"Will it even work?" I asked him.
"If you don't try how will you find out?" he said.
"Okay then. Let's put our plan in action" I said, not convinced.
Ferdinand and I are risking our lives for this. I hope that this works.
"Okay. I'll talk to Meagan" I said, walking towards my first class.
I entered the class and saw Meagan.
She was sitting in the last row , near the window. I slowly walked upto her.
"Hey. What you thinking about?" I asked her, not understanding what to do.
"Nothing" she said.
"Okay then. Could you help me with something?" I asked her.
"Shoot" she said.
"I actually need somethings from the closet across the hall" I told her.
"What do you need?" She asked me.
"Just some stationary" I said.
"For what?" she asked.
"My home science project" I said.
"Okay. I'll get it" she said and walked out of the room.
Phew. This was much more easier than I thought it would be. I just hope she doesn't realise that something is fishy till she reaches there.
Now it's time for me to go outside silently and meet Ferdinand.
I was waiting at the place where we decided to meet.
"Did she go?" Ferdinand asked me.
"Yeah. What did you tell Austin?" I asked him.
"Ahh. Don't you worry about it" he said, smirking.
I can smell something. That stupid smirk that he put on proves that he is upto something.
We quickly walked towards the closet and saw Austin and Meagan staring at each other.
So Ferdinand and I did something unexpected. We pushed both of them in the closet and locked the door from outside.
You have got to be kidding me. This was all a setup. That Ferdinand is going to die once I get out of here. I can't even believe that Kady helped him.
"That woman is so going to die in my hands" Meagan shouted.
"Shout and yell all you want. Nobody is going to open it. Sort it out. We will come back in some time" Ferdinand shouted from the other end.
Ruined. Officially dead.
"Let's me out. I'll fucking kill you Freddy" Meagan yelled.
Freddy. How can I forget?
When we were small Ferdinand used to have a car. He named it Freddy. Ferdinand, Meagan and I used to play with the car a lot. So Meagan stated calling him Freddy instead of Ferdinand.
Okay. Snap back to present.
"Sorry. Bye" Ferdinand yelled from outside.
He doesent know what he has gotten into.
I don't know what to say. I mean what should I talk with her. It's so awkward. I am scared, nervous and to top it off frustrated.
"I know that you did all of this. Why did you have to make Ferdinand do all of your work" she said, bluntly.
What. Now she thinks that I made him do all of this. Amazing. It pains to know that she thinks so low of me.
"What? I didn't plan anything. I'm also as clueless as you are" I said, defending myself.
"Cut the crap Austin. Both of us know that you are very stubborn and get things done " she said, coldly.
"Is that what you think of me? Do you really think I would do something like this?" I asked her.
"Yes" she said.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
That hurt. It felt like she hit me with an arrow so powerful that it broke my heart.
I dint know what happened. We both were very close to each other from when we were kids till fifth grade. The summer of fifth grade my family had to move out to the next town because of some reasons. I still don't understand why. We returned to this place because this was my hometown. I wanted to finish my senior year of high school here. I was already missing this place so I forced my dad to shift here. Yeah I know it's kinda cliche'. Whatever.
"What are you doing? Just figure out some way to get out of here? she yelled at me, snapping me away from my thoughts.
I really don't know what exactly did I do to her that she is so rude to me.
"There is no way that we can get out of here. The room is too small for there to be an extra door or something" I told her, while searching the room to see maybe I was wrong.
"This is all your fault that I'm stuck with you for an another 40 minutes"she said, giving me a pointed look.
"If you so much of a problem with me don't talk to me for the rest of the time we are stuck in here" I said.
"Cool" she said, glaring at me.
She is so confusing man. One time she is nice with you and the other time she will be ready to bite your face. God please just help me out with her. She is being so difficult.
I decided not to irritate her for the rest of forty minutes that we have to stay here.
She was sitting in the corner and her head was buried in her hands. Firstly, I thought that she was stressing about the whole situation and all that but her shoulders were silently shaking. It looks like she was sobbing . Oh shit. Ferdinand is so going to die today.
I was debating with myself whether I should go and comfort her or let her be on her own. It just doesent feel right for me to stay here and do nothing. I didn't care if she was going to punch me or hurt me. I just want to be there for her. With all these thoughts in my head I quietly crawled up to her and sat beside her.
I gently wrapped one of my hands around her and pulled her close to my chest. She was letting out small sobs. Each time she does that a small piece of my heart keeps breaking. She nuzzled her face to my chest.
I gently rubbed her back and was drawing patterns on her palm, in order to soothe her.
I wanted to ask her what's going on that head of her's. I know that she won't tell me anything because she hates me. Simple.
"How long are we still stuck here?" she asked me, breaking my thought process.
"An another 25 minuets" I said , checking my watch.
She didn't say anything after that. She already stopped crying but my hand was still on her waist and her head was leaning against my shoulder. I gently tilted my head and placed it over her's.
It was not an awkward silence, it was very comfortable.
After that I don't remember anything that happened.

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