You said you were no good
You said you would hurt me
You tried to leave
I didn't want the blissful ignorance to end
'I love you'
'I love you too'
I thought we were perfect
It was all one-sided
I thought it would last forever
You became distant
I thought you loved me
The toxins spilled and we slowly split
I cried to make you feel guilty
I wanted you to see the pain you caused me
I wanted you to hurt too
I wanted to hate you
I wanted you to love me again
It was over as fast as it started
It was her
You wanted her all along
You use to look at me that way
You seem so happy and in love
I'm not her
I'll never be her
He was there when you left
You broke me and he picked up the pieces
I feel love when I'm with him
I never knew what was real til I experienced fake
I'm truly happy without you
Short Stories and Poems
Kısa HikayeSome work I've done in my creative writing class. Now that I am no longer in this class I will no longer add to this..