December 30, 332 B.C.

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December 30, 332 B.C.

Wow!  I had forgotten about this journal.  Let’s see, it’s been over two years since I wrote in this last.  So much has happened! 

After the Battle of Granices, (as it has been called) Alexander The Great let us into Asia Minor.  After a long series of battles with the Greeks, we conquered it.  Alexander was going to capture Jerusalem, but reportedly a Jewish priest showed him one of their prophecies that told of a king who would conquer the world, so we left Jerusalem alone.

When we went into Egypt in the fall of 332 B.C. we were met with gracious hospitably.  We took it over and have been resting there ever since.  There is a rumor that we will be leaving here soon to go conquer the rest of the world, which is very good news to me, Egypt is nothing like our great Macedonia!

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