May 2, 327 B.C.

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May 2, 327 B.C.

Wow!  Where did this journal go!  Three years ago I wrote in this last, and now it just reappeared!  I thought that I had lost this in the guerilla war.  What joy I had when I found it!

Well, Bessus, the killer of Darius, gathered an army of his followers and launched a guerrilla campaign against the Macedonians.  It was two long, hard years before we captured Bessus and killed him for assassinating Darius.  It was my dream to be the one who would capture Bessus.  Just think, I would come into camp dragging the killer of Darius by the hair and the whole camp of Macedonians would cheer.  I might even be promoted!  However, something happened that changed all that.  In a small battle towards the end of the guerrilla war, I lost three fingers from a rock thrown from a slingshot.  I was out of commission for a couple of months and when I got back, the war was almost over.  Bessus was already captured and his followers were scattering.  So much for that promotion.

Well, after we won the guerrilla war, we began to march on India.  This will be very different from the type of war that we are used to.  However, we will conquer!

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