There we go. Finished! I would like to thank all of my friends who have been incredibly supportive of this story and "" for their wonderful film script. I am totally overwhelmed by the amazing support this story has received so the biggest thank you must go to you guys, the Fans and Followers. You have been the power behind this story and without you this wouldn't have been possible. I am thoroughly looking forward to the next story "The Dark Lords Daughter: Secret of the Moon" which will be up as soon as possible. I hope you will show me as much interest and support as you have with this story.
The winner of the cover competition was AmyLeigh, thank you so much for your amazing cover and please message me to tell me which story you would like to be apart of! (The cover will become my profile picture when I put up the new story.)
Apart from that I'm afraid "The Dark Lords Daughter: Slytherins Heir." Is complete, it has been a serious roller coaster, between writer lock and family emergencies I didn't knowing I would manage it or not, so thank you for being there and never giving up on me or the story!
All my love
Stephanie Edwards

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir *completed*
FanfictionThe second instalment of my Dark Lords Daughter series. When the chamber of Secrets is opened in Hogwarts Anna has to face the realisation that she might be the cause. Hiding her identity is becoming to much for this 2nd year to handle.