We, Harry and myself, were released from hospital the next day. During the night Harry had managed to regrow his previously nonexistent bones and his arm was back to normal. I however was still stuck with my pot covered arm, but at least it was the left hand and not the right. I could still write and cast spells with my dominant hand, so I wouldn't fall behind with my school work. Madam Pomfrey, suggested rest and food to aid my recovery, but I knew that she too had simply noticed my drop in weight and eating wasn't likely to mend my wrist. I smiled and thanked her politely as I left, noticing the tightly closed curtain around the bed where last night they had put Colin and I shuddered at the memory. Harry and I wandered the halls looking for Ron and Hermione and eventually agreed to go and get breakfast without them. We sat opposite each other and were relatively silent for the first few minutes before I grew frustrated with the whispers around me. I spun in my seat and tapped the shoulder of a Ravenclaw first year. The girl spun round looking terrified.
"Hello." I said kindly, trying to soothed the spooked student.
"I was just wondering of you could tell me what everyone's whispering about?"
"Y-you don't know?" She stammered, glancing round and the bustling hall. "Last night a Gryffindor was found frozen in the hall, just like that red-eyed cat. Everyone's saying that it's a student who's doing it." She whispered the last bit and I furrowed my brows in thought.
"Who are they talking about?" I asked copying her hushed tone. I watched her eyes carefully as they flickered once behind me, I followed her stare and I landed upon the familiar red and gold robes of my friend. I scowled.
"I can promise you that Harry Potter is not responsible for any of the attacks. He was in the infirmary all night, with me...and you can tell your friends that." The girl nodded quickly and turned back to her fellow first years. Turning back round I pushed away my plate in disgust, catching Harry's attention.
"Madam Pomfrey said you should eat that." he mumbled his mouth full of toast and bacon.
"No she said I should eat and didn't mention anything in particular." I corrected and he sighed.
"Well atleast eat something." He tossed me a blueberry muffin and I caught it clumsily with my left one hand.
"Fine" I chuckled picking off a bit of crust and throwing it at him.
I finished at the great hall and decided to check the common room again for I vanished friends.I entered the tunnel entrance and smiled as my eye landed upon the frizzy hair of Hermione. She spun round at our footsteps and gave a huff.
"Finally, where have you two been?" She scolded like an old woman and I had to cough to disguise my giggle. I glanced to Harry who seemed equally as amused as me. He smiled cheekily at her and she growled under her breath, spun on her heel and stalked off. We followed after her, Harry and Ron chuckled as they walked discussing out whereabouts from the morning. Once Harry had told them Ron laughed loudly.
"That's better than what I thought." H sniggered and I raised my eyebrow in question.
"Please do enlighten us, Ronald, to the workings of your...unique mind." I spoke sickly sweet and the naive red-head fell for it.
"Well me an Hermione went up to the Quidditch pitch, just in case you two decided to have a bit of...alone time." he wiggled his eyebrows and puckered his lips, making ridiculous kissing noises. I gasped in disgust and grabbed Hermiones book off of her, whacking him over the back of the head. He yelped and rubbed his sore scalp. Well served him right for being so vile.
We carried on round corridors that we're familiar to me. I had often come down this way during the holidays to try and meet every ghost of the castle, a challenge set by Hagrid during a rainy day. I glanced over at the unsuspecting and fought to keep my face straight. We were heading to the girls bathroom on the second floor a dangly room with faded and dirty fixtures. The toilet cubicles were worn and most of the doors hung crooked. The huge grand stone pillar, set in the middle of the room, bearing the sinks was chipped. Most of the white porcelain had cracked off leaving nothing but dark, rubble grey basins. Most of the mirrors were cracked and unusable, where as those that weren't were to dirty to see in. The bathroom was unused and had been for years due to a certain inhabitant.
Once we arrived we all feathered around the boiling cauldron, Hermione busied herself adding certain amounts of ingredients and nodding as the proper reaction took place. Harry, Ron and I sat on the tiled floor joking and mucking around. I kept glancing up however waiting or my "friend" to appear. I glanced at Harry who was staring round at the usually forbidden territory of a girls bathroom and began to tell the other two of our encounter with the scrawny house elf.
"Again?" Hermione exclaimed, her eyes widening.
"You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" I nodded and she slumped onto the floor.
"Of course!" I jumped at Ron sudden eureka moment. Erie all looked at him baffled and he rolled his eyes at us.
"Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here and now, he's taught Draco how to do it." I mulled over his theory in my head, stewing over his logic and found it completely...possible.
"Maybe, we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice potion to know for sure." I nodded agreeing with my frizzy haired friend. We all seemed to agree and were silent for a moment, when Harry took back up wandering his eyes over every detail of the room.
"Enlighten me." He began. "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of the girls bathroom? Don't you think we'll get caught?" I couldn't stop myself from bursting into a fit of laughter, followed by Hermione.
"No. No one ever comes in here." She chuckled, stirring the bubbling concoction again. I wiped away my years as Ron asked the killer question.
"Why?" His eyes flashes round the harmless walls as Hermione answered.
"Moaning Mrytle." Bpth boys turned to each other in question.
"Who?" The red-head asked again.
"Moaning Myrtle." I giggled, Harry looked at my as though I had gone crazy.
"Who moaning Mrytle?" I clasped my hand over my mouth as beside Ron had appeared the ghost in all her spookiness.
"I'm moaning Mrytle!" She snapped, her circular glasses perched on her piggy nose and her short plain hair was pulled into two childlike bunches. Even after all this time she still wore her uniform, although out dated by quite a few years. Ron's face was a picture as he leaned away from the advancing ghost. Harry shuffled along the floor trying to discreetly distance himself from her.
"I would t expect you to know me!" She hissed, swirling away, "who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle!" She sobbed, letting out a high pitch cry before launching into the air and disappearing with a splash down one of the toilets. Harry and Ron both turned to Hermione and me, their eyes wide in shock and questioning.
"She's a little sensitive." Hermione reasoned and looked back down into the blackened cauldron to hide her giggles. The boys sat quietly trying to to breath in fear Myrtle would return. We finished up at the bathroom and Hermione left the potion bubbling happily in one of the toilet stalls, confident that no one would stumble across it.

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir *completed*
FanficThe second instalment of my Dark Lords Daughter series. When the chamber of Secrets is opened in Hogwarts Anna has to face the realisation that she might be the cause. Hiding her identity is becoming to much for this 2nd year to handle.