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[ chapter one! ]

a small sigh escaped the jane's plump lips as she sat in the almost silent science class that cold autumn afternoon. usually, all her attention would be on her teacher, mr clarke, she loved learning about science, she found it fascinating. she especially loved biology, the way plants lived and their cells was something she was always curious and intrigued about. there would be days when jane would stay behind after school with mr clarke to learn even more about her favorite subject.

however today she couldn't be more bored.

jane was more interested in the light taps on the window from where the rain is slowly falling from they cloudy, grey sky. she watches the raindrops race down the window mindlessly, her head slipping out of her hand.


her thoughts were quickly interrupted by mr clarke's kind yet inpatient voice. he looked at her with a small smile, while the entire class stared at her as if she was some sort of alien.

"uh, yes sir?" jane finally says quietly, fiddling with her pen anxiously due to the nervous feeling she was experiencing.

"can you tell me what the function of the red blood cell is?" mr clarke asks with a reassuring smile as he nods at her. jane gulps nervously, her mind racing. truthfully, she knew the exact answer, it was an easy question. however when it came to answering that question in front of a class of 25 students who were staring at you oddly it wasn't so easy to give the answer.

"t-the answer is... uh-" jane begins, however her few fleeting moments of confidence is drowned away when she locks eyes with him.

mike wheeler. jane's crush.

he's staring at her, with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as if he was trying to study the girl. jane loved looking at mike, she loved eveything about him. his soft dark hair to his dark brown eyes and freckled cheeks. she couldn't help but stare back. he continues to stare for a few more seconds before clearly losing interest in the odd girl and turning around to talk to his friends.

"jane? do you want me to ask someone else?" mr clarke asks sympathetically, interrupting jane's thoughts once again. in pure panic, jane quickly nods and looks down at her textbook in embarrassment. a few sniggers and giggles from students could be heard, causing jane to turn an even brighter shade of red.


lunchtime. usually a time most students look forward to after a long, boring day classes. however, this was the worst part of the day for jane. the single hour students had to do whatever they pleased was dreaded by her everyday.

despite being nothing but kind to everyone, jane was labeled as the freak of the school.
she had no friends, people didn't go near her, as if she was some sort of contagious disease.

jane had always wanted to be in the party. mikes friend group. it consisted of five part members. mike wheeler, will byers, max mayfield, lucas sincair and dustin henderson. she would spend some lunches simply looking at them, and longing for a friendship like theirs. however she knew that was possible.

jane joined school later than everyone else. when she first joined she knew little to no english, so she could hardly speak. this confused many students, and caused many students to start calling her a mute or a freak.

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