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[ chapter thirteen! ]

"he just left you?! what the hell is wrong with him!" max exclaims as she closes her history text book aggressively.

"stacey must have had a reason for talking to him. just ask him" lucas suggests with a shrug as he plays with the pasta with the fork gripped in his hand.

"you think i haven't tried that? he won't tell me anything. and besides, i just feel angry-" jane says with a sigh as she runs a hand through her messy brown locks tiredly.

"you have a right to be angry! he's being secretive with you, which is suspicious!" max says confidently as she crosses her arms and leans back in her chair.

"i trust him- i'm just confused- and upset" jane admits as she leans back in her chair with a groan. "he never hides stuff from me"

"i think this is all stacey's plan to hurt you. i may hate that girl but she's clever when it comes to making other people absolutely miserable" max says as she looks at jane.

"i wouldn't be surprised honestly" jane admits with a small sigh. "but that still doesn't explain why mike suddenly civil with her!"

"you guys are being overdramatic. it was only one conversation!" dustin groans as he rests his head on the table.

"but you have to admit it's weird that stacey pulled him aside for a private conversation and he can't seem to tell me anything about it!" jane says worriedly.

"i'd just talk to him! you're going to continue worrying and thinking the worst unless you cut straight to it and ask him about it. go find him, i'm pretty sure he said he's studying for mr clarke's test in the library" will says positively as he puts a hand on jane's shoulder.

"you're right, i'll go now" jane says with a smile as she stands up from the table and begins to make her way out of the cafeteria.


the library looked almost empty when jane arrived. the only noise being the turning of pages from the librarian sat next to the door.

jane slowly walks in quietly, anxious of making too much noise.

she looks around, trying to spot the dark haired boy with freckles as nerves build up inside of her.

jane and mike weren't even dating yet, but jane felt jealously without a doubt. her feelings towards him were so strong, and when the girl she hates the most begins to talk to him jane couldn't help but feel anger. she knew it most likely wasn't his fault, but she was so confused.

jane begins to walk through the rows of bookshelves, peering through gaps in books to see if he was at a table.

and suddenly, she saw him.

and he wasn't alone.

he was sat on a circular table by the window, looking rather bored as he explains a physics question to a girl sat very close next to him.

jane couldn't tell who the girl was, however her brown bushy hair seemed to remind jane of someone.

but it couldn't possibly be her.

mike continues to ramble on as jane walks closer and closer to the table, still hidden by the long book shelf.

as she got close enough, her heart dropped. she could see the girl's face clearly now.

mike was sat with stacey.

jane immediately felt both betrayed and hurt as she took a few steps back and gasped. she thought this could possibly happen, however she tried to pretend that it couldn't.

"hey, did you hear that?" stacey asks as she loudly chews her gum and looks away from mike to the bookshelf jane was stood behind.

"no, what was it?" mike asks as he looks to where stacey was looking.

"it sounded like a gasp or something? i don't know maybe i'm just hearing things." stacey replies with a shrug as she blows a bubble.

without hesitation, mike stands up from the table, speedily walking to the bookshelf. jane walks away even quicker, wanting to avoid the boy completely.

however mike caught up to her, grabbing her hand to stop her from moving any further away.

"j-jane! what are you d-doing here?!" mike asks shakily as he looks at the girl, panic noticeable in his voice.

"i came looking for you mike! but i find you with her!" jane says a bit too loudly, causing the librarian to shush them both with an angry glare.

mike rolls his eyes as he pulls jane out of the library and into a empty storage room.

"it's not what you think jane, i-i promise!" mike insists as he holds her hand, his voice trembling.

however jane is quick to pull her hand away, tears beginning to fall down her soft cheeks. "how do you explain what i just saw then?! you're being secretive with me and i can't stand it! and don't make a promise when i know that you're lying. i-i can't believe you right now-"

"jane i'm doing this for a reason ok! i know it doesn't make sense now- but you have nothing to worry about-" mike stutters nervously, feeling a knot forming in his stomach as the tears continue to fall down her face.

"why can't you just tell me mike? don't you t-trust me?" jane asks quietly as she looks down, feeling more hurt than ever.

"of course i trust you jane! i trust you more than anyone!" mike insists as he cups her face with his hands gently.

"then why can't you just tell me!" jane shouts as she pushes him back slightly.

"because i'm doing this to protect you jane! stacey will hurt you!" mike shouts back as he walks towards her.

"nothing you're saying makes any sense! come to me when you have an actual explanation. mouth breather" jane shouts loudly, muttering the last part as she storms out the room.

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