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[ chapter fifteen! ]

mike and jane were sprawled across mike's sofa, hugging each other tightly with their legs intertwined like roots beneath a tree. jane breathed softly into his chest as the breakfast club movie comes to an end.

"did you like it?" mike asks the sleepy girl as she sits up slowly, the side of her face red from being pressed up against his shirt.

"yes! i love how in the end their label doesn't matter, they're all so similar without them even realising it at first" jane says with a smile as she brings up her knees to her chest.

mike stays silent instead of replying, simply staring at the girl in front of him with a small smile on his face. she made him happier than anyone else. she didn't even have to say anything, her presence itself had the power to bring a smile to his face and he couldn't be more grateful to have her in his life.

"what is it? you're staring" jane comments with a grin as she lets out an awkward giggle.

"i just- i- i really like you jane. like a lot. and it's so new to me, and so different. i wasn't expecting to even speak to you for the rest of high school. but i'm so glad i did, because you mean a lot to me jane." mike admits as his cheeks turn a bright shade of red causing jane to blush herself.

"i like you too mike." jane says softly she lifts her hand up to stroke his freckled cheekbones with her thumb softly.

"well, i was wondering- it's okay if you don't want to be and i'd completely understand- but would you maybe want to be my uh-
g-girlfriend?" mike lets out, stuttering over a few of his words as his cheeks go even more red, if that was possible.

however when he notices the smile on jane's face disappear, his heart immediately sinks.

"it was a bad idea- i'm sorry i should've never asked-" mike blurts out as he shakes his head slightly.

"no- it's just i haven't been completely honest with you mike." jane admits sheepishly as she rubs her arm nervously. "and i feel as if what i'm going to tell you might change your view on me."

despite his confusion, he was quick to comfort her as she looks down with sadness in her eyes. "hey- nothing could ever change the way that i feel about you, okay?" mike says quietly as he gently cups her face.

jane nods, before sighing slowly. "i uh- don't really know where to start." she says, panic noticeable in her voice.

"it's fine, just take your time." mike reassures as looks at her softly.

"well did you hear about that creepy lab story a few years back? the one about the man and those children with uh- telepathic powers?" jane asks very quickly, wanting to finish this conversation as soon as it started.

"oh! that- yeah i read about it in a newspaper, super weird." mike answers with a laugh, causing jane to panic even more.

"mike uh- i'm different okay. i'm not like most people, and it's hard to explain, and i wish i could-" jane rambles on, trying to avoid what she actually needed to tell him.

"jane- what are you saying? you can tell me you know." mike insists as he puts a hand over hers.

"mike- i was one of those children. i was one of those children who escaped the lab."

mike immediately stares at her blankly, his mouth hung open slightly. his lip curls upwards into a smirk, showing he was about to laugh. however when jane remains serious, his face reverts back into the shocked expression it was before.

"w-wait, you're serious?" mike lets out as his eyes widen and his eyebrows raise in shock.

"i know this is a lot to take in, but i needed to tell you mike." jane mumbles, running a hand through her messy hair as her heart races. "it's just a long story- and it's messed up in so many ways"

"you can tell me. we have time"

jane nods as a small sigh escapes her lips, thinking about where to start.

"when my mum- terry ives- gave birth to me, doctor brenner immediately found out because my mum has connections with the lab in the past for some reason, i still don't know why. he took me from my mum, with no permission whatsoever. the second he found out i had those abilities he wasted no time, he took me a few nights after i was born. my mum was killed by the people at the lab and they quickly covered it up, they have the power to do that. i don't remember much from the lab, i was too young, i just remember how traumatising it was. i was an experiment to them. i managed to escape one day a few years back, and hopper found me. he made some sort of deal with the lab, saying he'd stay quiet for them since they're very secretive about what they do there. i joined school a year after hopper found me, and when i joined i could hardly speak english, that's why everyone called me the freak. hopper taught me some at home but it was difficult since he was at work most of the time." jane explains breathlessly as she rubs her knees. "so uh- that's it basically" 

"jane- that's awful! i can't believe you went through that- i'm so sorry. i never should have treated you the way i did when i had no idea about your past." mike apologies, feeling nothing but guilt.

"it's okay, don't worry." jane reassures with a small smile.

"so you have- special abilities?" mike asks excitedly, sitting forward eagerly like a small child.

jane nods in response, beginning to feel uncomfortable in the situation she had put herself in, and mike notices. he reaches over to stroke her hair slowly, his eyes softening at the sight of her, causing jane to immediately feel slightly better.

"can you- show me?" mike asks nervously as jane looks at him worriedly.

however she nods, agreeing to show him something she had kept a secret for years.

she lifts her hand up slowly, and as her hand rises so does mike's millenium falcon x toy, causing his mouth to hang open completely.

jane quickly pulls her hand back as she notices mike's shock, making her feel more worried than ever.

"wait- your nose is bleeding!" mike exclaims as he reaches over to point at it quickly.

"that always happens whenever i use my powers mike" jane says with a grin at the boys shock. "do you remember that time you came to the cabin to find me and i had a nose bleed and i wouldn't tell you anything? i was using my powers"

mike nods with a small sigh, connecting the dots as it all begins to make more sense. mike turns to her, shuffling closer as her looks at her with kind eyes. "i won't lie to you, this is all a shock to me, but it doesn't change the way i feel about you, and it never will. i promise."

jane felt nothing but relief as these words came out of his mouth, she felt as if a constant weight has been lifted off her shoulders. she threw her arms around him without hesitation, and he pulls her close to his chest as soon as she does so.

"so, can you be my girlfriend now?" mike asks with a small laugh as he looks down to jane who was looking straight back up at him.


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