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[ chapter nine! ]

without hesitation, mike runs towards the girl and grips her shoulders tightly as he feels panic building up inside of him.

"jane? are you okay?!" he asks breathlessly as he stares at the girl worriedly. jane doesn't respond, instead she avoids his eye contact completely and looks down at her feet.

"jane. p-please just talk to me" mike begs pleadingly as continues to look at the girl, desperate to help her. however when jane doesn't respond once again, mike gently cups her face with his hands, lifting her chin slightly so her eyes locked with his.

mike's heart sank as his eyes met her tear filled ones, he could practically see the pain in her face as her lower lip wobbled slightly.

mike grabs her hand and pulls her back in through the front door, quickening his pace as he heads towards the sofa.

he sits down, pulling jane down to sit beside him. they sit silently for a few seconds before mike tries once again to get an answer out of her. "jane, tell me what happened, please."

"i-i can't" jane mutters croakily as a single tear runs door her cheek slowly.

"yes you can jane. i can help, okay?" mike says softly as he shuffles closer towards her.

"no mike. you don't understand-"

"jane please- i want to help okay? i want to make sure you're alright-"

"mike just stop!" jane snaps, pushing the boy back slightly as she does so. mike stares at the girl with his mouth hung open in shock as jane begins to cry even more.

mike sits there silently as jane sobs quietly next to him, however he then pulls the girl closer to him, wrapping his arms around her carefully. jane cries into his chest as she curls up closer to him, wanting nothing but to stay like that.

mike gently begins to stroke her brown locks away from her face as he feels both confused and hurt.

does she not trust me?

what is she hiding from me?

these questions continuously run through his mind as he looks down at the girl hugging him tightly. but he wasn't going to ask what she was hiding from him, he knew that now wasn't the right time, and making sure she was okay was more important to him than that.

they lay there for a while, until jane's sobs and whimpers turn silent and she falls asleep on his chest.

mike lays awake, the same image of jane continuously appearing in his mind.

why did she have a nose bleed?

why was she crying?

this all confused mike immensely, however he knew he was going to have to wait for the answers.


mike woke up to the early morning sun that was shining through the wispy curtains by the windows. birds chirping could be heard as mike lazily rubs his eyes. as he begins to sit up, jane's soft curls hit his nose gently.

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