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[ chapter four! ]

boredom was an emotion commonly felt by jane, if not the emotion she felt the most. considering she was alone most of the time seeing as hopper was working frequently, she had to learn to entertain herself.

truthfully, jane actually enjoyed spending time alone, however there were also times when all she wanted were friends to have over to watch soaps with, or friends to go to the arcade with. but she was labelled as 'different' meaning people tended to avoid her to save their own reputation.

tonight was the same as any other night, jane sprawled across the sofa watching soaps while eating eggos. hopper would usually be fine with her doing this, he would even join her on some days, however he also hoped that one day she would find a hobby, or do something more productive. but the issue with that is she's limited in what she can do.

hopper doesn't allow her to speak to anyone about her past but himself. he has good reasons for this strict rule, and that is her safety. she knows that this rule is the rule she cannot break whatsoever. she isn't allowed to tell anyone about her past.

her past is, complicated. and also top secret.
if anyone was to find out, it would put both her and hopper into serious danger. therefore, she is forced to keep it all a secret, as if she was to takes her past and lock it up in safe where no one could discover it.

at first she found it almost impossible. she had so much pain and trauma that she was desperate to let out, all she wanted to do was talk to someone. she knew hopper was there, but she wanted a friend. someone that would sit there with her and listen every single word she had to say.

"hey kid, i'm going to melvald's general store to pick up some stuff, do you wanna come? it might do you some good to get out the cabin" hopper asks, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as he looks at the girl sympathetically as if she was some small, helpless puppy.

"sure" jane says with a small shrug as she stands up from the sofa and dusts herself off lazily.


she always liked going to melvald's general store, especially the first time she went. everything was so new to her, all the magazines, different foods. it was so different to what she was used to.

she also loves joyce, the woman who works there. she is will's mum and jane adores her. she radiates happiness, a bright smile always appears on her face whenever jane enters the store. jane will occasionally just go to the store to talk to joyce for that reason only. joyce was understanding and she wasn't judgemental like most of the high school girls.

"hey guys! how are you tonight?" joyce says as hopper and jane enter the quiet store. jane immediately notices hoppers change in mood. this happens every time, whenever hopper is around joyce his whole exterior changes, a small smile is always shown on his face, his eyes soften and he always speaks kindly to the woman. jane knew hopper liked her, it was obvious. but he denies it whenever she asks.

"we're good, just picking up some stuff" hopper says softly as he walks up to joyce. they begin to start a conversation and jane immediately becomes tired of listening. being her curious self, she decides to wander around the store, seeing as she had nothing else to do.

it was seemingly empty, seeing as it was quite late. the only noise to be heard was the distant chatter from hopper and joyce and "take on me" by a-ha playing faintly on the radio.

jane hummed quietly as she walks through the magazine section of the store, studying all the models with curiosity. however the sound of two people draws closer to her and she immediately looks up for only her heart to sink. mike stood before her awkwardly with his mum stood next to him brightly. jane quickly stands up, however so quickly she almost feels light headed. clumsily she runs out the aisle into the freezer section where she replays what just happened over and over again in her head.

as if things couldn't get any worse, they did. mike had now decided to follow her, and he walks towards her uncomfortably, looking everywhere but her.

distracting herself, jane kneels down and begins to grab a few eggo boxes out the freezer as she attempts to ignore him, however she fails miserably as she tries to catch a small glimpse of him every few seconds.

mike notices this and does the exact same, leaving the pair awkwardly looking at each other. angrily, jane stands up and strides towards the boy.

"what do you want from me?! you have made it pretty clear you want absolutely nothing to do with me so can you please just leave me alone?" jane practically begs as she stares coldly at the boy.

mike looks at her for a few seconds blankly, and he begins to feel something, guilt? he wasn't sure. but he could see the pain in her face, and it caused him to look away. "i- i'm sorry" he says quietly.

"i highly doubt that" jane says, scoffing at the boy as he looks at her silently.

"i am- i just- i guess i judged you too quickly" mike admits as looks down at the floor, avoiding her deadly glare.

"yeah? well so does everyone mike." jane says quietly, sadness noticeable in her voice. "why should you be allowed to judge me when you have never spoken a word to me?"

"all i can do is apologize, i can't turn back the time and change what i said to you" mike says, trying his best to make the girl forgive him.

"i- i know that, but what you said hurt me a lot" jane says quietly.

"i know, and i'm sorry" mike says apologetically.

jane looks carefully at the boy, and she noticed something different. he didn't have the usual stern look, or the miserable eyes that had the life drained out of them. but instead his eyes softened when he looked at her, and his usual cold exterior had vanished. "i-i forgive you. but i need time."

mike nods understandingly, a wave of relief coming over him.

"hey kid, are you ok?"

both jane and mike jump at the sudden voice from behind them, both quickly whipping their heads around to see hopper staring at them with a confused expression.

"i- uh- yes we're fine" jane mumbles quietly as she moves away from mike and towards hopper. hopper stares at mike, studying the lanky teenage boy, becoming protective over the person he loved most.

"ok, say bye to your friend" hopper says as he begins to walk away from the aisle. jane turns around to face mike, and her original plan was to say goodbye, however instead she found herself staring at the boy, appreciating the new warmth that that had come over him. and he did the exact same, never realizing the school freak may have been more interesting that she appeared to be.

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