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    The story takes place between the seventh and eighth stories, Where everything seems perfect for the world and the sea. In the deep sea, there lives a magical, glistening object in a treasure chest. The object is the Magical Pearl Necklace. The pearl necklace has its magical power to turn a individual into a mermaid just like the sea, where it also turns people into merfolk. Rumor has it that the necklace is nowhere to be found by someone, The Necklace is a magical artifact and is thought to be a dangerous item for all the people. Some years later, the pearl necklace was found by some divers and delivered to some people, where it was turned into a jewel. Since pearls are exchanged as gifts, the Pearl Necklace has magical powers to turn every people into a mermaid, when placed. When removed, the individual returns to his or her human form. In the borough of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, there are some buildings and stores. Especially Confer's Jewelers, who sells anything like Diamonds, Rings, Watches, Earrings, Bracelets, Pandora and every type of Pearl, the Pearl Earrings, the Pearl Rings, Pearl Pendants, Pearl Bracelets and Pearl Necklaces including the magical one. Inside the store, a man enters in the jewelry store, intending to buy a necklace for his wife. He greets the store owner, who also greets him.

"Hey, Mr. Coleman!" she said. "What brings you here?"

"I came to buy a pearl necklace for my wife Nadia." said Mr. Coleman.

"Oh, good! We got necklaces in Confer's Jewelers! Follow me!" The owner told him as they go to the Necklace section. In the top of of the store, a woman is standing on it, listening to the conversation between them. Her name is Camryn Pelphrey, she is a thief who was formerly a theatre actress. She acted in her role as a mermaid before going into villainy. She wears a black catsuit, two gloves, a brown long coat and matching black boots. Camryn pulls out a chainsaw and starts cutting a circle in the floor, unlike other chainsaws. She pushes the circle as she goes through the hole, she walks on the ceiling where she looks down to see Mr. Coleman and the owner in the Necklace section.

"What necklace you want?" she asked.

Mr. Coleman pointed his finger to the Magical Pearl Necklace. "That one!"

The owner opened the dome with the Necklace as Camryn watches it in amazement. "Yes! That's right!"

Then, Camryn pulled out her metal box, which contains a swinging claw inside. She presses the button on the box allowing the claw to grab the Necklace before the owner can grab it, much to her and Mr. Coleman's shock.

"Where's the necklace?" he asked as he hears a evil laugh.

"In my hand, Loser!" Camryn revealed herself as she pulls out a gastropod shell from her pocket, which explodes in a blue smoke. She laughed evilly as the security guards attempts to stop her, only to be defeated by the thief with punches and kicks. Camryn happily stared at the necklace. "It's mine, all mine!! The magical pearl necklace, Is MINE!!!" she laughed as she jumps higher before putting the pearl necklace on, turning her into a mermaid as she escapes. The store is now a mess thanks to Camryn's evil antics, the employees, including Mr. Coleman, are unconsicous. A unknown person walks calmly in the store, the person reveals to be Ophelia Smith, who discovers that the necklace is stolen as she pulled out her walkie-talkie.

"Pelphrey escaped with the necklace, Leanne." she said. "She knocked a man, the owner of the jewelry store and some employees."

Leanne sighed. "Oh, that's too bad. I sent you to stop her and give the Necklace to authorities."

"I gotta go after her, she is going to a australian city or something." Ophelia explained as she pulled out her phone as she taps on the screen, she summons up a modified Suzuki GS500E motorcycle and it shows up from nowhere. Ophelia gets on her motorcycle as she drives away with it, turning the motorcycle into rocket mode before departing to Boston, Massachusetts, to find someone who will help her.

A animated sequence begins, this time is now different, where the statues begin to look each other. the four statues turn themselves into Moira, Summer, Hannah, Loretta and Darby in their normal clothes, walking together in the streets of Waterton. The five girls notice a magic pearl, which turn them into the Elemermaids. Moira generates Earth, sand and controls some stones, Summer creates a powerful fire blast in the sky, Hannah creates a Tidal Wave, Darby releasing air from her hands and Loretta creates some balls of lightning. The five mermaids are seen swimming together, along with Pippa, Charlene, Dave and Darlene. Atargatis is seen with them, showing some water spirits. The girls notices sea monsters coming out from the sea, Hannah uses her water powers, turning the city in a submerged city. Moira defeats the first sea monster by releasing dirt, Summer shoots fireballs at the second monster, Darby shoots air at the third monster, Loretta electrocutes the fourth sea monster, and finally, Hannah drowns the fifth sea monster with water. The girls are seen on the beach, their reflections of themselves are shown with their mermaids forms.        

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