Chapter 9: Saving the city with Sally and Ophelia

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      "I'm a mermaid, I stole the necklace from Pennsylvania, and I can tell ya! The Necklace is MINE!!!!" Camryn laughed maniacally as the rest of the brainwashed residents of Waterton applauds for her accomplishment. "You mermaids freed my minions from my control and It's time for you girls to die!"

The Elemermaids swimmed to the top, ready to defeat her. "You will never take over the world!" said Moira. "You brainwashed my sister, my boyfriend, my friends and everyone else!"

"And you are messing with my plans. Go get them!"

Camryn ordered the rest of the residents to kill the seven girls. They started to unleash their dark powers as they shoot some balls of black smoke in order to defeat them. Ophelia encounters Roberta's uncle and aunt and starts to punch and kick each other. Summer shoots fireballs at Lania, who is still brainwashed. She shoots her balls as she avoids being hit by the fireballs. Hannah shoots some water balls at Mindy as she keeps shooting balls. Darby uses her air power to blow the balls thrown by Pippa, and they hit her in the face instead of hers. Angered, Pippa attempts to attack her. only to get blown by a strong wind created by the black-haired girl as she goes back to normal. Ophelia punches Mr. and Mrs. Abbitt in their faces, which also reverts to normal. Cheryl and Max prepares to brainwash Sally, but, the nerdy girl pulls out her phone and turns its flashlight on, blinding them in process as they attempts to close their eyes. Loretta electrocutes them with her power, allowing Cheryl and Max to turn back to normal. Lania ends up getting hit by a fireball, which also returns to her old self. Camryn was shocked that the Elemermaids are freeing her minions from her control and orders Milly and Mindy to kill them. But, Hannah, with her water power, shoots a jet of water at the two girls, wetting their hair and reverting them to normal.

"What happened to me?" Mindy asked.

"The Elemermaids are using their powers to turn everyone back to normal!" Milly explained.

Infuriated, Camryn swims towards the Elemermaids, who use their elemental power for one last blow. She shoots some balls of black smokes just like her former minions. The girls avoided being hit by the thief's dangerous projectiles as they dodged. Summer keeps shooting fireballs at the latter as she gets hit, which gets her hair on fire. She screamed in anger as she starts shooting her balls at her, but, the balls are hit by some water balls thrown by Hannah. The blue-haired girl throws one more water ball at Camryn, which puts out the fire. Moira punches the ground as she shoots balls of dirt at the latter who ends up being hit by one of them. Darby generates a blast of wind while Loretta electrocutes her with her powers.

"You girls are persistent." said Camryn.

"Oh, really?" Darby asked smugly as she blows her wind, Summer throws a fireball at the air. Forming a hot air power. Both throws the hot air at Camryn as she attempts to escape before being hit.

Unwilling to give up, the thief swims to the ground as she prepares to brainwash Moira. However, the girl dramatically snatches the Magical Pearl Necklace, which makes her to lose her ability to turn into a mermaid and use of Dark magic. Her magic begins to disappear as the Elemermaids use their elemental fireball and throws it at Camryn. The residents of Waterton are free from her control as they see her falling into the ground. Moira swims to catch her just in time as the city returns to its normal state. She places her on the street as she sees the residents, who are now angry at her.

"You think it's over?!" she said.

"I got your necklace, Camryn." Moira shows the Necklace.

After the city is still on its normal state, the girls' human forms and clothes reappear magically as Sally and Ophelia walked next to Camryn. Moira gives her the Necklace to the young spy as she pulls out her phone to tell Leanne.

"This is Ophelia. The Necklace is with me." she said.

Later, some helicopters from C.E.O. are seen flying in the sky, one of them lands in the street as Leanne comes out from the helicopter. She removes her sunglasses as she sees The girls with the necklace.

"I'm proud of you, Ophelia." Leanne smiled as she grabs the magical item and looks at it. "The Magical Pearl Necklace, it turns a person into a mermaid."

"Yep, Mrs. Perkins, Camryn is the one who used the Necklace and used the dark magic with it." Moira explained. "She used it to brainwash everybody."

Then, the girls' parents, including Solandra goes to the city where they see their daughters. Distraught, they go to see them if they were hurt or injured.

"You girls okay?" Peter walked next to Moira and Loretta.

"You got hurt, sweetheart?" Anne asked.

"Are you wounded?" said Mel.

"Are you sick or what?" Solandra also asked.

"No, I'm fine." said Moira.

"I'm Okay, dad." said Summer.

They sighed in relief as they see Camryn. "Who is that woman?"

"Her name is Camryn Pelphrey, dad." said Charlene.

"She used her power to brainwash me!" said Mindy.

"Heck Yeah!" said Roberta.

"Darn you girls! Darn you!!" Camryn protested as the agents arrest her, while one of them is carrying the Magical Pearl Necklace. She gets dragged into the helicopter as she speaks. "You girls are a septet of losers!"

"Thanks for coming to Waterton!" said Pippa.

"Sayonara!" Milly winked her eye as she and the residents watched the helicopter taking off to the sky as it flies away and disappears from the distance.

"Looks like things are getting better at all." said Moira.

"Good call, Moira." said Dave.

Four weeks later, the city of Waterton is saved by the Elemermaids, Sally and Ophelia. Things are getting better for the girls. and nothing bad happened in the city. In Marguerite Perey High, Moira, Summer, Hannah, Darby and Mindy are all together with Sally and Ophelia, who are about to leave the city after a adventure.

"You mean you're not joining us in class?" she asked.

"Aw, Moira, I would love to stay here. But I can't. I gotta take my friend Sally back to Boston." Ophelia declined.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." said Summer.

"You can contact with us anytime." said Hannah.

Mindy pulled out her phone as she speaks. "Girls, let's take a selfie, shall we?"

"OK, Mindy."

She puts her phone on a selfie stick and touches on the screen which takes a photo of herself, Moira, Summer, Hannah, Darby, Sally and Ophelia. After it's done, the girls sees the photo.

"Whoa, it's me being hugged?" Sally asked.

"Yeah, did you loved it?"

"Thanks for the selfie, girls." Ophelia pulls out her phone and summons her motorcycle from the roof of the school. The girls were awestruck at this.

"A motorcycle?" Summer asked.

"Of course, I summoned it with my phone."

Ophelia gets on her motorcycle as Sally gets on as well. Darby gives her a bracelet with four elements on it as a souvenir to remember her and her friends.

"Goodbye, my friends. I'm gonna miss you so much!" She says goodbye to the five girls as the motorcycle lifts off before speeding towards the sky.

In the city of Boston, Disha, Olga and Rhonda are waiting for Sally to show up, they didn't know that their friend left Boston for a adventure.

"It passed many days and Sally still didn't show up." said Disha.

"Yeah, we're running out of friends." said Rhonda. "Let's go to the classroom where-"

The motorcycle landed in the street, where the East Boston High School is still there. The three girls sees Sally getting off from the motorcycle to greet them.

"Sally! You're back!" Olga happily hugged her. "We didn't know that you were gone!"

"Yeah, I'm back." said Sally as she thanks Ophelia for bringing her back home. "Thanks for bringing me home."

"Bye, Sally!" Ophelia drives away in her motorcycle as she disappears from the distance. Sally smiles as she goes to the classroom with Disha, Olga and Rhonda.

Back to Waterton, Moira and her friends are observing the sky as Milly goes outside to see them.

"Is everything OK, girls?" she said.

"We're fine, Milly. We'll miss them so much." Moira told her. "Come on, let's go to the classroom."

The girls goes to the school after observing the sky. They get inside the school as they talked to each other. Atargatis is observing them as she crosses her arms before smiling.

"Very good, Elemermaids." she said as she swims back to the sea.

The Elemermaids: Spy/Mermaid TeamWhere stories live. Discover now