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Roman: you've been unusually nice to me today.

Virgil: what the hell dose that mean?

Roman: you just seem nicer.

Virgil: do you want me to punch you in the face or something?

Roman: please don't.


Patton: I say the f word all the time.

All of the sides : ...

Logan: what f word?

Patton: Fergalicious.

Logan: of fucking course.


Roman: ok.
Virgil: Alright.
Roman: Fine.
Virgil: Fine.
Roman: great.
Virgil: amazing.
Roman: splendid.
Virgil: spectacular.

Patton: what's happening?

Logan: They're both angry but still want to talk and won't admit it.


Virgil: English is weird.

Virgil: telling someone 'you are shit.' Or 'you ain't shit.' Are both insults.

Patton: 'you are not shit.' Is a reassurance

Roman: But 'you ain't the shit.' Is also an insult.

Remy: and 'you are the shit.' Is a compliment.

Logan: it's 4 am, go to sleep.

Patton: coming your way remy.


Roman: what's your kink?

Virgil: emotional support.


Welp that's all folks
Also, sorry for being gone for so long.
*looks at views*
Well I'll be damned, thanks.
I honestly don't know what you read this shit, but thanks anyway.
Have a good day.

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