Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon part 1

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"Dude, can you believe it?!" Jotaro asked. "We're going to Beacon!"

"I know" Amity scratched the back of his head. "What if everyone treats us badly like they always do?"

"What makes you say that?" Pico questioned.

"People keep making fun of us, just because we're from different homes" Amity answered. "I feel like we may be a bit of a knockoff"

"But we won't know until we try, these people are different and mature" Roaul reassured.

"Say that to the people making dirty jokes and making of others, some people never mature, Roaul, and seeing how we are instantly in Beacon..." Amity was about to finish his sentence when a certain girl walked up to him. "Oh hey, Ruby right? What brings you here?"

"I wanted to say thanks for standing up for getting me out the way from Romans attack" Ruby reminded. The other boys held their hands up to their mouths, trying not to laugh because of Amity's embarrassment.

"Uh...well...that's alright" Amity replied.

"You look like someone who can fight, want to try when you get your weapon?" Ruby asked.

"Are you challenging me?" Amity smirked.

"Maybe" Ruby made the same gesture back.

Pico could not hold it in anymore and laughed a bit at the current event.

"Oh, why is it always me to laugh at these particular things?" Pico asked himself, laughing beginning to calm down.

"What's so funny?" Ruby asked.

"Sorry, seeing you you two together, like a match made in heaven, makes me laugh is all" Pico raised his eyebrows in happiness.

The sudden sentence made Amity and Ruby blush in a blood red tone as they quickly went away from each other.

"Pico, that wasn't funny" Amity growled.

"Come on, you know that you'll fall for her one day, you're the same age, aren't ya?" Pico asked.

"Yes, but I'm fifteen, you're all older than me" Amity rested his head on his hand.

"You delay the inevitable, BOY!" Pico shouted in his slang language.

"Use that language again, and I'll show you what inevitable thing I have in mind for you" Amity crossed his arms. Everyone laughed together.

Ruby saw what was going on between the group and Yang started to smirk in a way that was teasing. Ruby caught notice and raised an eyebrow at her older sister.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"Do I see my sister with a crush on the leader?" Yang giggled, making Ruby blush more than she did before.

"Shut up!" Ruby denied. "What would you think that?"

"I see the way you look at him, or do you look at JUST him?" Yang started to laugh even more.

"Come on, show me the money boy!" Jotaro laughed, impersonating a bandit from early America (1800's).

"Well, what about that dragon Faunus?" Ruby smiled in revenge. "Surely I see you and him becoming a thing"

"You know what, you're right" Yang crossed her arms. Ruby's eyes widened in disbelief, how could her sister not bend easily to that?

"I hate it when you don't fall for what I do to you" Ruby pouted. Yang laughed even more.

"Maybe it's because, I know you better than you know yourself" Yang put her hands on her younger sister's shoulders and stared at her.

"Maybe you're right" Ruby interlaced her fingers.

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