Chapter 14: forever fall part 2

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The fight was getting intense, Team CRDL were battling Team APRJ, minus Amity. Pyrrha and Jaune were fighting Cardin head-on. Amity grabbed the box of Rapier Wasps and shouted out...

"Hey, Cardin!"

"What do you want now, Sparks?" Cardin asked.

"You wanted Rapier Wasps..." Amity held the box high above his head, like an executioner about to decapitate a criminal. Cardin asked what he was about to do and fear started to well up inside of him. "...YOU GOT 'EM!"

"Hell yeah, boy!" Jotaro shouted, punching Russel in the face. The Wasps surrounded Cardin in a flurry of offence, trying to get to the sap that was on his armour as he shouted in annoyance and pain. Jaune turned to Pyrrha, who just smiled.

"He's all yours" Pyrrha moves aside, allowing Jaune to attack Cardin. Jaune nodded and charged, feeling confident this time around than back at Beacon. Unfortunately, Cardin managed to get the Rapier Wasps off of him and saw Jaune's incoming attack. He smirked and smacked Jaune across the face with his mace, leaving a bruise on his right cheek. Pyrrha gasped at the sight. "JAUNE!"

"Stay out of it, you red-haired know-it-all" Cardin laughed. Pyrrha felt intense anger build up inside of her, she was ready to hurt Cardin even more. She did not know why, but she felt something...special with Jaune in particular. Cardin picked Jaune up and stared him in the eye. "You should've known that that was a bad move, Jauney boy"

Amity held Pyrrha back slightly. They both knew that they could not interfere now.

"What now? You gonna cry to your mommy?" Cardin pulled his right arm back, ready to knock Jaune out.

"I don't care what you do to me" Jaune frowned. He really WAS turning a new leaf with this new attitude. "You will NOT mess with my team"

Pyrrha felt...affectionate almost. Hearing Jaune say those words, she felt a spark of some sort. Her thoughts were blocked off, however, by Cardin laughing like a villain.

"You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big man now?" Cardin questioned, he knew in his mind that Jaune could never amount to anything. But he just saw Jaune smile, which made him feel weird. Cardin ignored his complexion and thrusted his fist forward, only to be met with a blinding white light. Everyone soon saw that Jaune's face was healed. It only meant one thing...

"He activated his aura" Pyrrha smiled in relief. Jaune saw hid hands emit a bright glow as Cardin held his hand in pain.

"Let's see how much of a man you REALLY are" Cardin growled. His voice was soon overtaken by a bigger growl, which was a REAL one. Everyone turned in the direction of the growl and saw that a huge Ursa Grimm erupted from the bushes. But it was not like any other Ursa, this one had spikes on its back and it was at least two times bigger than a regular Ursa. Team CRDL soon dropped their brave attitude and fear overtook them.

"That's a big Ursa!" Russel shouted as Team CRDL ran away, except for Cardin, who just stood there. The Ursa smelt the sap on Cardin's armour and smacked him away with its enormous paw.

"I think he deserved that" Pico snickered.

"Look, we get it" Amity frowned. "Cardin can be a douchebag-"

"And an asshole" Jotaro smirked.

"Yeah...But no one deserves THAT" Amity said.

"He's right, as much as I don't like Cardin, he doesn't deserve death by a Grimm" Pyrrha agreed as they saw Cardin, now weaponless, cowering in fear at the Grimm before him. Jaune got up on his feet as the Grimm roared loudly. The other teams heard its distant sound.

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