Chapter 7: The Emerald forest part 2

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Ozpin looked over the peak of the mountain that the students of Beacon had been launched from. He knew that most of them showed somewhat unique potential. Glynda than walked up from behind to inform him on the initiation and how it was going so far.

"Our last pair has been formed sir: Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren" Glynda explained. "Poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along"

Ozpin said nothing as he watched over the mountain, still as he could be. Mug in hand and facial expression still the same.

"Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos" Glynda continued, referring to Jaune and Pyrrha being partners. Ozpin moved his head slightly to look at the the tablet she was holding. "I don't care what his transcripts say, that 'Jaune' fella was clearly not ready for this style of combat"

"We shall see soon enough" Glynda put her tablet away and started walking in the opposite direction. "At their current pace, they should reach the temple in a few minutes"

"Speaking of which...what did you use as relics this year?" Glynda turned to Ozpin for an answer. "Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin just looked at the tablet he was holding and saw Amity with the satchel in his grasp.

"There's something about that boy that I can't put my finger on" Ozpin calmly said.

"You mean...?" Glynda was confused for the most part.

"Amity, he found something that I thought was gone for a long time" Ozpin showed Glynda the tablet and she soon saw Amity with the satchel. She gasped slightly.

Somewhere else...

Ruby was sitting down on the grass, feeling lost and bored at the same time. Weiss was pacing around the grass, trying to find the right direction to the temple.

"It's... definitely this way" She said, but of course, she was wrong. "No... definitely this way"

Ruby was playing with the leaves in front of her, she obviously knew Weiss was walking in circles. Weiss then walked up to her.

"'s official" She started, Ruby got up and stared at Weiss in confusion. "We passed it"

"What can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going?" Ruby bluntly questioned.

"Because I know exactly where we're going" Weiss answered, although she knew Ruby was right, she would not let her get the best of her. "We're going to the...Forest Temple"

Ruby groaned in anger as she knew that Weiss had no idea where they were going.

"Oh come on, you don't know where we are either" Weiss grunted, a hint of anger starting to come from her as well.

"Well, at least I don't act like I know everything!" Ruby shot back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss asked.

"It means you're a big, stupid, jerk and I hate you!" Ruby threw insults at Weiss' face, trying to get somewhat of revenge. "I thought you said you'd give me another chance!"

Weiss sighed and turned around, walking away from Ruby.

"With an attitude like that, I might take it back, now keep moving" Weiss walked faster.

"'Just keep moving'" Ruby mimicked. "'Hurry up' 'Wah Wah Wah' Why are you so bossy?!"

"I'm not bossy!" Weiss shouted in denial. "Don't say things like that!"

"Stop treating me like a kid!" Ruby argued.

"Stop acting like a kid!" Weiss argued with her.

"Well, stop acting like you're perfect!"

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